Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Nguru f-cg
Number of Objects: 16
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Niangara f-cg
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Not specified f-cg
Number of Objects: 19
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Poko f-cg
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Sandoa f-cg
Number of Objects: 5
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Serenje f-cg
Number of Objects: 4
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Stanleyville f-cg
Number of Objects: 12
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Ubangi f-cg
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Vatican City f-sa
Number of Objects: 6
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Village of Chief Bombilia f-cg
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Watsa f-cg
Number of Objects: 6
Africa Democratic Republic of Congo Yakusa f-cg
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Andudu f-cg
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Bangui Region CD
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Brazzaville CD
Number of Objects: 4
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Buta f-cg
Number of Objects: 4
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Central Congo CD
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo City not specified cg
Number of Objects: 24
Africa Democratic Republic Of the Congo city not specified f-cg
Number of Objects: 4
Africa Democratic republic of the Congo city not specified f-cg
Number of Objects: 7
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo City not specified f-cg
Number of Objects: 154
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo city not specified f-cg
Number of Objects: 55
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo city not specified f-rh
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo City not specified f-sa
Number of Objects: 26
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Gamboma CD
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Jadotville f-cg
Number of Objects: 13
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Jadotville f-lo
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Kisangani f-cg
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo La Maisonnette f-cg
Number of Objects: 3
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Lubumbashi f-cg
Number of Objects: 11
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Medje f-cg
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Not specfied f-cg
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Not specified f-cg
Number of Objects: 6
Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo Zaire f-cg
Number of Objects: 43
Africa Democratic Repulic of the Congo city not specified f-cg
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Democratic Rupublic of the Congo city not specified f-cg
Number of Objects: 18
Africa England city not specified f-enk
Number of Objects: 4
Africa Eswatini Bremersdorp District f-sq
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Eswatini Bremersdorp f-sq
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Eswatini City not specified sq
Number of Objects: 12
Africa Eswatini City not specified sz
Number of Objects: 3
Africa Eswatini Emkhuzweni f-sq
Number of Objects: 13
Africa Eswatini Emkhuzweni, Northern Distict f-sq
Number of Objects: 4
Africa Eswatini Emkhuzweni, Northern District f-sq
Number of Objects: 9
Africa Eswatini Entonjeni f-sq
Number of Objects: 15
Africa Eswatini Entonjeni, Northern District f-sq
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Eswatini Entonjeni, Pigg's Peak f-sa
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Eswatini Entonjeni, Pigg's Peak f-sq
Number of Objects: 9
Africa Eswatini Entonyene, Pigg's Peak f-sq
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Eswatini Havelock f-sq
Number of Objects: 8
Africa Eswatini Havelock mine f-sq
Number of Objects: 13
Africa Eswatini Havelock Mine f-sq
Number of Objects: 9
Africa Eswatini Havelock Mine, Endhlagene District f-sq
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Eswatini Havelock Mine, N. Eswatini f-sq
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Eswatini Labamba f-sq
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Eswatini Labamba, Mbabane f-sq
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Eswatini Lobamba f-sq
Number of Objects: 19
Africa Eswatini Lobamba, Mbabane f-sq
Number of Objects: 5
Africa Eswatini Manzini f-sq
Number of Objects: 29
Africa Eswatini Manzini sq
Number of Objects: 249
Africa Eswatini Matafin, Nelspruit, Transvaal f-sq
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Eswatini Mbabane sq
Number of Objects: 6
Africa Eswatini Mzimpofu f-sq
Number of Objects: 18
Africa Eswatini Mzimpofu sa
Number of Objects: 9
Africa Eswatini Peaks Timbers Compound, Pigg's Peak f-sq
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Eswatini Pigg's Peak f-sq
Number of Objects: 20
Africa Eswatini Pigg's Peak sq
Number of Objects: 10
Africa Eswatini Usutu Forest f-sq
Number of Objects: 15
Africa Eswatini Usutu Forest, Mbabane f-sq
Number of Objects: 8
Africa Eswatini Zombode f-sq
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Ewatini Emkhuzweni, Pigg's Peak f-sq
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Ewatini Entonjeni, Northern District f-sq
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Ewatini Entonjeni, Pigg's Peak f-sq
Number of Objects: 5
Africa Ewatini Lobamba, Mbabane f-sq
Number of Objects: 13
Africa Ewatini Pigg's Peak f-sq
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Ewatini Usutu forest, Mbabane f-sq
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Ewatini Usutu Forest, Mbabane f-sq
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Ewatini Zombode f-sq
Number of Objects: 3
Africa Foreign relations 1960-
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Gabon City Not Specified f-sa
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Ghana City not specified f-sa
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Ghana city not specified f-sa
Number of Objects: 17
Africa Ghana Togo f-sa
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Guinea Conakry f-gv
Number of Objects: 22
Africa Infant Feeding Sub-sahara
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Ireland city not specified f-ie
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Ivory Coast Benin f-sa
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Jamaica city not specified f-jm
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Kenya Baringo f-ke
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Kenya Bondo f-ke
Number of Objects: 8
Africa Kenya Bunyore f-ke
Number of Objects: 3
Africa Kenya City not Specified f-ke
Number of Objects: 12
Africa Kenya City not specified f-ke
Number of Objects: 149
Africa Kenya city not specified f-ke
Number of Objects: 214
Africa Kenya City not specified f-lo
Number of Objects: 2
Africa Kenya city not specified f-rh
Number of Objects: 4
Africa Kenya City not specified f-sa
Number of Objects: 3
Africa Kenya City not Specified f-sa
Number of Objects: 1
Africa Kenya city not specified f-sa
Number of Objects: 4
Africa Kenya Embu f-ke
Number of Objects: 4