Number of Objects: 2
Reflections of a Mathematician
Number of Objects: 1
Regional aspects of long-term public sector psychiatric care in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Rehabilitation of mental health care users in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Reimagining library services: Transforming libraries into dynamic learning spaces in South African universities
Number of Objects: 1
Relationship between Endothelial Function, Antiretroviral Treatment and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in HIV Patients of African Descent in South Africa: A Cross-Sectional Study
Number of Objects: 1
The relationship between energy price and economic growth in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The Relationship between Financial Development and Energy Consumption in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The relationship between financial development and energy consumption in South Africa
Number of Objects: 3
The relationship between financial inclusion and economic well being in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The relationship between grade 9 mathematics teachers content knowledge and their learners' understanding of linear graphs
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
The relationship between trade opennes and enviromental quality in South Africa
Number of Objects: 2
The relationship between Union Representatives and school management teams in the Tsolo District: implications for school management
Number of Objects: 1
Religious Poetry as a Vehicle for Social Control in Africa: The Case of Bakossi Incantatory Poetry
Number of Objects: 1
Removal of reactive blue 19 from simulated wastewater using Solanum melongena stalk/MWCNTs: thermodynamics, kinetic, equilibrium and regeneration potentials
Number of Objects: 1
Reproductive Toxicity of An Organochlorine Pesticide: Evaluation Of The Effects On Male Bufo Melanostictus Schneider
Number of Objects: 1
Research Profile Dr Mbuyiselo Douglas.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Researcher Profile and List of Publications - Dr AM Ikudayisi.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Researcher Profile and List of Publications - Oyedeji.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Researcher Profile and List of Publications Arthur Mapanga.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Researcher Profile and List of Publications Dominic Abaver.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Researcher Profile and List of Publications Dr B Seleke 12.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Researcher Profile and List of Publications Foyaca Sibat Version 4.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Researcher Profile and List of Publications M Nogwina.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Researcher Profile and List of Publications Prof Paul Acha Anyi.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Researcher Profile and List of Publications Tatira.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Researcher Profile and List of Publications template_ Dr P Malindi.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Researcher Profile and List of Publications Yumi phd.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Response of invertebrates to alien and indigenous vegetation characteristics in Nduli and Luchaba Nature Reserves, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A Review of Arterial Stiffness and HIV Infection in Adult Africans
Number of Objects: 1
Revisiting nomenclature: 'Early Iron Age', 'First-Millennium Agriculturist', or what?
Number of Objects: 1
Revolutionary Overthrow of Constitutional Orders in Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The Right to a Speedy Trial for Crime Victims in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Risk factors and outcomes of acute kidney injury in South African critically ill adults: a prospective cohort study
Number of Objects: 2
Risk Factors of Juvenile Delinquents’ Post Rehabilitation Relapse: Evidence from Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
RNA – Sustainable Marine & Freshwater Economic Development (SMAFED)
Number of Objects: 1
The Role of Biomarkers in the Management of Stroke in Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
The Role of T Helper 17 (Th17) and Regulatory T Cells (Treg) in the Pathogenesis of Vulvovaginal Candidiasis among HIV-Infected Women
Number of Objects: 1
The role of Teacher Unions in the governance of schools in Mthatha District of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Rufaro Researcher Profile and List of Publications template.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Rural Tourism and Inclusive Development in Port St. Johns - South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
The SAPS 3 score as a predictor of hospital mortality in a South African tertiary intensive care unit: A prospective cohort study
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Screening medical plants for potential immunomodulatory action on macrophages in the fight against mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Number of Objects: 1
Sculpting with fire: celebrating ephemerality at AfrikaBurn 2015 in the Tankwa Karoo, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Seasonal Variations in the Growth and Reproduction of Helcion Concolor (Krauss, 1848) Limpet along The Wild Coast Of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Selecting human papillomavirus genotypes to optimize the performance of screening tests among South African women
Number of Objects: 1
Shuali Mathulo M Researcher Profile and List of Publications .pdf
Number of Objects: 1
The significance of mentorship in supporting the career advancement of women in the public sector
Number of Objects: 2
A single centre study evaluating adherence to methotrexate monitoringguidelinesin patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Number of Objects: 1
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated with Metformin and Sulphonylureas’ Glycaemic Response among South African Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Number of Objects: 1
Skills for communicating severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 result to patients and/or relatives
Number of Objects: 2
Socio-demographic associations of HIV among women attending antenatal care in selected rural primary care facilities in South Africa’s Eastern Cape province
Number of Objects: 1
Sociodemographic inequities associated with participation in leisure-time physical activity in sub-Saharan Africa: an individual participant data meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Socioeconomic and geographic variations in antenatal care coverage in Angola: further analysis of the 2015 demographic and health survey
Number of Objects: 1
Some reflections on two rural potter's cooperatives in the Port St Johns region of the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Some Remarks on the Solution of Linearisable Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations via Point Transformations
Number of Objects: 1
South African Learners’ Conceptual Understanding about Image Formation by Lenses
Number of Objects: 1
South African Paediatric Surgical Outcomes Study: a 14-day prospective, observational cohort stu
Number of Objects: 1
Southern African HIV Clinicians Society guidelines for antiretroviral therapy in adults: 2020 update
Number of Objects: 2
Species distribution and antifungal susceptibility patterns of Candida isolates from a public tertiary teaching hospital in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Sport events tourism as a catalyst for image makers for tourist destinations: A case study of Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality in relation to the Legends Marathon Event
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
SStrategies to improve implementationof curriculum and assessment policy statement (CAPS) in Secondary Schools in Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Stable isotopes dynamics of macrophytes along Umtata River in the Eastern Cape of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Starways Arts: a built environment expressing holistic lifestyles dedicated to visual and performing arts in Hogsback, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The stories African lawyers could tell when analysing legal issues: Lessons for social sciences teachers
Number of Objects: 3
Stranger,s 1st paper.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Strategies to improve implementation of curriculum and assessment policy statement (CAPS) in Secondary Schools in Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Strategies utilised in translating children’s stories from English into isiXhosa
Number of Objects: 1
Stressful Experiences of Primary School Teachers in One Education District: A South African Case Study
Number of Objects: 1
Students'perspectives of quality educationat a selected South African University
Number of Objects: 1
Students’ understanding of geometry terminology through the lens of Van Hiele theory
Number of Objects: 1
A study of factors influencing curriculum management in Bizana schools in the Eastern Cape Privince
Number of Objects: 1
A study of the implementation and management of workforce diversity among teachers at secondary schools in the Mthatha Education District
Number of Objects: 1
A Study on Demographic Factors Affecting Quality of Life among HIVInfected People Attending a Public Primary Health Clinic in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Studying a Tumor Growth Partial Differential Equation via the Black–Scholes Equation
Number of Objects: 1
Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Measured by B-Mode Ultrasound to Assess and Monitor Obesity and Cardio–Metabolic Risk in Children and Adolescents
Number of Objects: 1
Successful use of an improvised bubble CPAP device for severe respiratory distress caused by pulmonary tuberculosis
Number of Objects: 2
Suicide - a global overview and focus on the South African situation
Number of Objects: 1
Suitability of ‘Guidelines for Screening of Prosthetic Candidates: Lower Limb’ for the Eastern Cape, South Africa: A qualitative study
Number of Objects: 1
Sustainable Human Resource Practices for Organizational Competitiveness Post the Covid-19 Pandemic
Number of Objects: 1
Swazi oral literature, eco-culture and environmental apocalypse
Number of Objects: 1
Symbolism of place and cultural identity in Cameroon
Number of Objects: 1
Synthesis and characterization of high energy milled silicon nanoparticles for electronic applications
Number of Objects: 1
Synthesis, computational and biological studies of alkyltin(IV)N-methyl-N-hydroxyethyl dithiocarbamate complexes
Number of Objects: 1
T Kondo (Ed) law and investment in Africa: the fovernance of foreign direct investment in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Tanga et al 2020.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Tangomas’ language: Orality and ritual discourse in Bakossi traditional medical practice
Number of Objects: 1
Tapping into the World of Terpenoids
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Tata et al 2018 second article.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Tata et al 2018.pdf
Number of Objects: 1