African Magnates: The Hon. J.H. Hofmeyer, "Onze Jan" of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
African mead biotechnology and indigenous knowledge systems in iQhilika process development
Number of Objects: 1
African men and feminism: Reflections on using African feminism in research
Number of Objects: 1
African middle class elite
Number of Objects: 1
African music in her veins
Number of Objects: 1
African narratives of customary marriage, marital stressors, strengths and the value of indigenous marital counselling
Number of Objects: 1
The African National Congress' foreign policy in transition: change or continuity, 1989-1994
Number of Objects: 1
African Oral Literature and the Humanities: Challenges and Prospects
Number of Objects: 2
The African Peer Review Mechanism : towards Africa's governance audit
Number of Objects: 1
African people
Number of Objects: 1
African Philosophy of Music: MUS 501
Number of Objects: 2
African Politics: POL 311
Number of Objects: 2
The African press in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
African Reading of the Hebrew Bible: THB 313
Number of Objects: 1
The African reception of global media:
Number of Objects: 1
African Rivers
Number of Objects: 1
African sound
Number of Objects: 1
African sound is unique
Number of Objects: 1
The African sound is what makes him tick, Toto Manana demontrates his expertise.
Number of Objects: 1
African Stories from Gutu Reserve
Number of Objects: 1
African traditional medicine-antiretroviral interactions : effects of Sutherlandia frutescens on the pharmacokinetics of Atazanavir
Number of Objects: 1
African traditional medicines-antiretroviral drug interactions: the effect of African potato (Hypoxis hemerocallidea) on the pharmacokinetics of efavirenz in humans
Number of Objects: 1
African transnationalism in China: at the interface of local, transnational, bilateral and multilateral responses
Number of Objects: 1
African universities and the challenges of a developmental state
Number of Objects: 1
The African verve of Chris McGregor
Number of Objects: 1
African wages in Grahamstown
Number of Objects: 1
African wildcats on unprotected land in the Northern Cape, South Africa: potential prey and conflict status
Number of Objects: 1
African woman
Number of Objects: 3
African woman with her children after collecting water
Number of Objects: 1
African women
Number of Objects: 1
African women and children
Number of Objects: 1
African Women Chartered Accountants (AWCA) award
Number of Objects: 1
African wooden bowl decorated with reed crocheted pattern
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 2
The Africans and their devotion
Number of Objects: 1
Africa‘s Heritage No. 2: Bantu religious beliefs
Number of Objects: 1
Africa‘s Heritage No. 3: Religion, music and art in America
Number of Objects: 1
Africa‘s Heritage No. 4: Bantu humour
Number of Objects: 1
Africa‘s Heritage No. 5: Out of the deep South
Number of Objects: 1
Africa‘s Heritage No. 6: The blues
Number of Objects: 1
Africa‘s Heritage No.1: a definition of our terms
Number of Objects: 1
Africa‘s Heritage No.7: Coming to terms with Africa's heritage
Number of Objects: 1
Africa‘s Heritage No.8: The Future
Number of Objects: 1
Africa’s readiness for electric vehicles towards 2025
Number of Objects: 1
Africa’s Trade in Services and the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement
Number of Objects: 1
Afrikaans and the spirit of equilibrium : inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
Afrikaners Landgenote
Number of Objects: 1
Afrikanische Entwicklungsalternativen: Ubuntu und die Post-Development-Debatte
Number of Objects: 1
Afro Teens aglow on the go.
Number of Objects: 1
Afro-communitarianism and the nature of reconciliation
Number of Objects: 1
Afro-communitarianism, social architecture, and the moral education of children as strategies for social integration in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Afro-Teens steal show.
Number of Objects: 1
AfrOBIS: a marine biogeographic information system for sub-Saharan Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An Afrocentric exploration of South African cultural-religious narratives of depression
Number of Objects: 1
Afromelampsalta, a new genus, a new species, and five new combinations of African cicadettine cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Cicadettinae):
Number of Objects: 1
The Afropolitan flâneur: literary representations of the city and contemporary urban identities in selected African and transnational texts
Number of Objects: 1
After a long time
Number of Objects: 1
After a lot of work with the blockhouse
Number of Objects: 1
After Baines
Number of Objects: 1
After church: All Saints
Number of Objects: 1
After the luncheon given by Iraq press - Iraq
Number of Objects: 1
After the visit of a Greek poet to the Transvaal
Number of Objects: 1
Aftermath of the Victoria Hotel fire, Cradock, July 1904
Number of Objects: 2
Against all odds: the effect of electoral violence on the political participation of citizens: a case study of voters in Nairobi
Number of Objects: 1
Against supererogationism
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 3
Number of Objects: 1
Agasiga k'i Gaseke
Number of Objects: 1
Agathis bishopi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) as a potential tool for detecting oranges infested with Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
Number of Objects: 1
Agathis bishopi, a larval parasitoid of false codling moth Thaumatotibia leucotreta: laboratory rearing and effect of adult food on parasitism and longevity
Number of Objects: 1
Agave in full flower
Number of Objects: 1
Agave in full flower near Lady Grey
Number of Objects: 1
Age and growth of Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi (Pisces: Sparidae) in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Age and growth of the Cape knifejaw Oplegnathus conwayi, an endemic South African teleost
Number of Objects: 1
Age is nothing but a number: Ben 10s, sugar mummies, and the South African gender order in the Daily Sun’s Facebook page
Number of Objects: 1
Age is Nothing but a Number: Ben 10s, Sugar Mummies, and the South African Gender Order in the Daily Sun’s Facebook Page
Number of Objects: 1
Age of squid Loligo reynaudii d’Orbigny, 1845, and its possible use to test effectiveness of the closed season in protecting this resource
Number of Objects: 1
Age validation, growth, mortality, and demographic modeling of spotted gully shark (Triakis megalopterus) from the southeast coast of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Age, growth and reproduction of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, in Lake Manyame, Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Age, growth and yield-per-recruit analysis of ndunduma Diplotaxodon limnothrissa (Teleostei: Cichlidae), in the southeastern arm of Lake Malawi
Number of Objects: 1
Age, growth, reproduction and sexual dimorphism of the striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, off the south-east coast of southern Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Age: 53
Number of Objects: 1
Aged Protea multibracteata at Fort Merriman, Stutterheim
Number of Objects: 1
Ageing, wellbeing and development: Brazil and South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The agency of juvenile delinquents in Kenya compared to other African countries
Number of Objects: 1
Agenda for COSATU Central Committee
Number of Objects: 1
Agent-based model development of a complex socio-ecological system: Methods for overcoming data and domain limitations
Number of Objects: 1
Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation for Transmission Dynamics and Surveillance of Dengue: Conceptual and Design Model
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 2
Agentive learning for sustainability and equity: Communities, cooperatives and social movements as emerging foci of the learning sciences
Number of Objects: 1
Agents of Change: Journalism Education as Critical Service-Learning
Number of Objects: 1
Agents sans frontiers: cross-border aquatic weed biological control in the rivers of southern Mozambique
Number of Objects: 1
Aggregate stability, crust formation, steady state infiltration and mode of seedling emergence in soils with various texture and mineralogy
Number of Objects: 1
Aggregation control of robust water-soluble zinc (II) phthalocyanine-based photosensitizers
Number of Objects: 1
The aggressive behaviour among student athletes in collision, contact and noncontact sport
Number of Objects: 1
Aggrey Klaaste : the relentless community-builder
Number of Objects: 1
An Agile systems development approach for enhancing e-Government user adoption
Number of Objects: 1