The evaluation of continuous quality improvement amongst the Community Health Centers of Lukhanji sub-district, of Chris Hani District Municipality, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Evaluation of Intussusception After Oral Monovalent Rotavirus Vaccination in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Evaluation of Lecturer by Students: Self vs. Institutional Evaluation
Number of Objects: 1
Evaluation of Supermarket Food Waste as partial replacement of commercial feed un Mozambique Tilapia, Oreochromis Mossambicus Culture
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
An evaluation of the effectiveness of Walter Sisulu University's teaching practice as a context for student teachers' competence development
Number of Objects: 1
An evaluation of the mechanical, engineering and retails service and training authority staff development project at an Eastern Cape University
Number of Objects: 1
An Evaluation of the Role of an Intermediate Care Facility in the Continuum of Care in Western Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Events as catalyst to atact tourists to destinations: Spectator perceptions of the social impact of events in East London: A study of Spec-Savers Ironman South Africa 70.3 in Buffalo City
Number of Objects: 1
Events tourism as a conduit to promote underdeveloped tourist destinations, with specific reference to the Mooiplaas Homecoming Music Event in East London, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Exclusive breastfeeding up to six months in very and extremly low birth weight infants and determinants of breastfeeding practices at the Frere Hospital in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 3
Experiences and survival strategies of informal traders in Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The experiences of non-psychiatric trained nurses caring for mental health care users on 72 hour observations in a listed Hospital in the O R Tambo District
Number of Objects: 1
Experiences of R425 newly qualified professional Nurses during their first year of practice in 3 selected hospitals in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Experiences of women leaders as school principals in rural secondary schools of Butterworth
Number of Objects: 1
The explanations for the lack of parental involvement in school governance: A case study of a junior secondary school in Sisonke District, KwaZulu-Natal
Number of Objects: 1
An exploratory study of children and youth in prostitution with specific reference to Gauteng Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Exploratory study on empowering rural communities of O.R Tambo District with special reference to Mqanduli
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring challenges that hinder the effective rendering of formal education programmes at four correctional centresin South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring learning and teaching support given by principals to Grade R teachers in Mqanduli Area in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring Literacy Challenge Encountered by Senior Phase English First additional language learner a perceived by Teacher in Lusikisiki ub district
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring national human resource profile and trends of Prosthetists/ Orthotists in South Africa from 2002 to 2018
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring national human resource profile and trends of Prosthetists/Orthotists in South Africa from 2002 to 2018
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring Teacher Assessment Practices in The General Education and Training Level in Junior Secondary Schools in Mthatha Education District
Number of Objects: 2
Exploring teachers’ classroom management strategies to enhance teaching and learning in Gauteng Province
Number of Objects: 3
Exploring the African Immigrant Entrepreneurship - Job Creation Nexus: A South African Case Study
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the curriculum content knowledge and skills bearing acquired by acquired by advanced certificate in education graduates in a selected institution of higher learning
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the Teaching and Learning of Euclidean Geometry in Senior Secondary Schools: The Case of O R Tambo Coastal Schools
Number of Objects: 1
External Factors affecting Blackboard Learning Management System adoption by Students: Evidence from a Historically Disadvantaged Higher Education Institution in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A Facile Effective Method for the Synthesis of Au-Cdse Nanostructures and their Characterisations.
Number of Objects: 1
Facilitators for and barriers to the implementation of National Tuberculosis Management Guidelines
Number of Objects: 1
Factors affecting adherence to antiretroviral therapy among pregnant women in theEastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors affecting specialist psychiatry training in South Africa: Bullying during specialist psychiatric training?
Number of Objects: 1
Factors affecting the effectiveness of parental involvement in children's education: the case of the junior secondary schools in Ngqeleni District of Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Factors affecting the Quality of Food Provided by School Nutrition Programme in Mthatha, OR Tambo Inland Education District
Number of Objects: 1
Factors associated with consistent condom use: a cross-sectional survey of two Nigerian universities
Number of Objects: 2
Factors associated with failed spinal anaesthesia for Caesarean sections in Mthatha general hospital, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors associated with glycemic control among South African adult residents of Mkhondo municipality living with diabetes mellitus
Number of Objects: 2
Factors Associated with Victimization of Police Officers in Mthatha, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors causing the decline in English proficiency among learners based on a perception of teachers in the junior secondary schools of the Qumbu Education District
Number of Objects: 1
Factors contributing to conflict among the teachers of Secondary Schools in the Mthatha Education District
Number of Objects: 1
Factors contributing to high dropout rate in two selected Junior Secondary Schools in the Mqanduli Area of the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors contributing to scarcity of women principals in Mqanduli junior secondary schools in the Mthatha District in the Eastern Cape Province Republic of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors contributing to senior secondary school learners' poor performance in science subjects in the Mount Frere Education District of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors contributing towards the decline in enrolment of learners in the rural Junior Secondary Schools in the Qumbu District of Education of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors impeding African immigrant entrepreneurs’ progression in selected small and medium enterprises: Evidence from a local municipality in South Africa
Number of Objects: 2
Factors influencing digital marketing adoption for female interpreneurs in small and medium enterprices of OR Thambo Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Factors Influencing English Reading Competencies Of Grade 4 Learners in the Libode- Mega District of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing English reading competencies of Grade 4 learners in the Libode-Mega District of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors Influencing Enrolment In Rural Primary Schools In One Circuit, Port St. Johns Cmc, Or Tambo Coastal Education District
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing women teachers underrepresentation in principalship positions of Dutywa senior secondary schools in Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Factors leading to Complications following Traditional Male Circumcision among Initiates reporting at Mthatha Regional Hospital, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors leading to the high failure rate of grade 12 learners in the Ngqeleni area: A case study of two schools in the Ngqeleni area of the Libode mega district, Eastern Cape.
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that contribute to teachers' job satisfaction/dissatisfaction as perceived by teachers in Libode District: A case study of two schools
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that influence guest satisfaction with the hospitality establishments: evidence from hospitality industry in Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Factors which Influence English Language Pass Rate at Matric Level in the Engcobo District of The Eastern Cape of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Feasibility and acceptability of conducting HIV vaccine trials in adolescents in South Africa: : Going beyond willingness to participate towards implementation
Number of Objects: 1
Feasibility and acceptability.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Features of Graduate Underemployment in South Africa: A Study in Mthatha, Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Festivals as a Niche for Local Economic Development(LED): A Case Study of the East London Port Festival(ELPF), Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Finding the best clay: experiences of rural potter Alice Gqa Nongebeza contextualised
Number of Objects: 1
First-episode psychosis and substance use in an acute mental health unit
Number of Objects: 1
First-episode psychosis and substance use in Nelson Mandela Bay: Findings from an acute mental health unit
Number of Objects: 1
The Folktale and Social Values in Traditional Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Foundation phase teachers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices towards inclusive classroom management: a case study of Mthatha district, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Fractionation and bioassay-guided isolation of antihypertensive components of Senecio serratuloides
Number of Objects: 1
A framework to test South Africa’s readiness for the fourth industrial revolution
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Functional changes of the vasculature in HIV/AIDS patients on Haart and Haart Naïve HIV participants
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Fundal pressure during the second stage of labour
Number of Objects: 1
Gbenga el al-2.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Gender stereotyping in traditional healing practices
Number of Objects: 1
Genetics of schizophrenia in the South African Xhosa
Number of Objects: 1
Genomic Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms with Blood Pressure Response to Hydrochlorothiazide among South African Adults with Hypertension
Number of Objects: 1
GeoGebra as a Manipulative Tool in Providing Processes of Circle Geometry in Grade 11: A Case of One School in OR Tambo Inland District
Number of Objects: 1
The geography of emergency department-based HIV testing in South Africa: Can patients link to care?
Number of Objects: 1
Geometry Proficiency Of Grade 11 Learners In Alfred Nzo Education District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
God Abhors Corruption: Some Thoughts on Acts 5:1-11 with special reference to the South African Countercorruption Efforts
Number of Objects: 1
Government expenditure on health services and economic development in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Graves’ disease following hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in a black South African lady: a case report
Number of Objects: 1
Green market emergence as a predictor of green entrepreneurship and sustainable development of small and medium sized manufacturing entities in the North-West province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A hand to mouth existence: hurdles emanating from the COVID 19 Pandemic for Women Survivalist Entrepreneurs in Johannesburg, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Health capital and labour productivity in selected Southern African Development Community (SADC) Countries
Number of Objects: 1
Health Expenditure and Economic Performance in Selected Southern African Development Community (SADC) Countries
Number of Objects: 1
Heavy metal profiles in limpets and algae on the Eastern Cape coast of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Hepatoprotective Effects of Fadogia ancylantha (Makoni Tea) on Ethanol-Induced Liver Damage in Wistar Rats
Number of Objects: 1
Hereditary spherocytosis with successful splenectomy in a pregnant black South African lady: a case report
Number of Objects: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Household food security status and its determinantsin Mthata Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
How good are our guidelines? Four years of experience with the SAMJ’s AGREE II review of submitted clinical practice guidelines
Number of Objects: 1
Ibhabhathane leqhina 041.JPG
Number of Objects: 1
IBhekile yophatha izinto zokutshaya
Number of Objects: 1
Ibhekile yophatha izinto zokutshaya
Number of Objects: 3
Ibhekile yophatha izinto zokutshayela
Number of Objects: 3