Factors which Influence English Language Pass Rate at Matric Level in the Engcobo District of The Eastern Cape of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Feasibility and acceptability of conducting HIV vaccine trials in adolescents in South Africa: : Going beyond willingness to participate towards implementation
Number of Objects: 1
Feasibility and acceptability.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Features of Graduate Underemployment in South Africa: A Study in Mthatha, Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Festivals as a Niche for Local Economic Development(LED): A Case Study of the East London Port Festival(ELPF), Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Finding the best clay: experiences of rural potter Alice Gqa Nongebeza contextualised
Number of Objects: 1
First-episode psychosis and substance use in an acute mental health unit
Number of Objects: 1
First-episode psychosis and substance use in Nelson Mandela Bay: Findings from an acute mental health unit
Number of Objects: 1
The Folktale and Social Values in Traditional Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Foundation phase teachers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices towards inclusive classroom management: a case study of Mthatha district, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Fractionation and bioassay-guided isolation of antihypertensive components of Senecio serratuloides
Number of Objects: 1
A framework to test South Africa’s readiness for the fourth industrial revolution
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Functional changes of the vasculature in HIV/AIDS patients on Haart and Haart Naïve HIV participants
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Fundal pressure during the second stage of labour
Number of Objects: 1
Gbenga el al-2.pdf
Number of Objects: 1
Gender stereotyping in traditional healing practices
Number of Objects: 1
Genetics of schizophrenia in the South African Xhosa
Number of Objects: 1
Genomic Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms with Blood Pressure Response to Hydrochlorothiazide among South African Adults with Hypertension
Number of Objects: 1
GeoGebra as a Manipulative Tool in Providing Processes of Circle Geometry in Grade 11: A Case of One School in OR Tambo Inland District
Number of Objects: 1
The geography of emergency department-based HIV testing in South Africa: Can patients link to care?
Number of Objects: 1
Geometry Proficiency Of Grade 11 Learners In Alfred Nzo Education District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
God Abhors Corruption: Some Thoughts on Acts 5:1-11 with special reference to the South African Countercorruption Efforts
Number of Objects: 1
Government expenditure on health services and economic development in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Graves’ disease following hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis in a black South African lady: a case report
Number of Objects: 1
Green market emergence as a predictor of green entrepreneurship and sustainable development of small and medium sized manufacturing entities in the North-West province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A hand to mouth existence: hurdles emanating from the COVID 19 Pandemic for Women Survivalist Entrepreneurs in Johannesburg, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Health capital and labour productivity in selected Southern African Development Community (SADC) Countries
Number of Objects: 1
Health Expenditure and Economic Performance in Selected Southern African Development Community (SADC) Countries
Number of Objects: 1
Heavy metal profiles in limpets and algae on the Eastern Cape coast of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Hepatoprotective Effects of Fadogia ancylantha (Makoni Tea) on Ethanol-Induced Liver Damage in Wistar Rats
Number of Objects: 1
Hereditary spherocytosis with successful splenectomy in a pregnant black South African lady: a case report
Number of Objects: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Household food security status and its determinantsin Mthata Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
How good are our guidelines? Four years of experience with the SAMJ’s AGREE II review of submitted clinical practice guidelines
Number of Objects: 1
Ibhabhathane leqhina 041.JPG
Number of Objects: 1
IBhekile yophatha izinto zokutshaya
Number of Objects: 1
Ibhekile yophatha izinto zokutshaya
Number of Objects: 3
Ibhekile yophatha izinto zokutshayela
Number of Objects: 3
Number of Objects: 1
Identification of Cadherin 2 (CDH2) Mutations in Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
Number of Objects: 1
Idiliza lengalo
Number of Objects: 5
Idiliza lesihlahla
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 4
Number of Objects: 2
Iimiqhoboka yomqala
Number of Objects: 1
Iimliza yesitho
Number of Objects: 3
Number of Objects: 1
Ikhubalo lomdlezana
Number of Objects: 1
Ilenti yomfazi
Number of Objects: 1
Ilenti yomqala
Number of Objects: 1
Ilenti yomqala yomdlezana
Number of Objects: 1
Ilenti yomqala yomfazana
Number of Objects: 1
Imiba edinga ukuthathelwa ingqalelo kuguqulelo loncwadi lwabantwana Pertinent issues in translation of children's literature
Number of Objects: 1
Imiqhoboka yomqala
Number of Objects: 4
Immigrant trade in Wood crafts Stones and Beads in Cape Towns Craft Markets South Africa A Critical Review
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
The Impact of Curriculum Change on Grade 12 Business Studies Learners Academic Performance in the Mthatha District of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The Impact of Direct Marketing on Consumer Buying Decisions in Mthatha’s Cosmetic Industry
Number of Objects: 1
The Impact of Energy Consumption on The Profitability and Renewable Energy Preference among SMEs in The KSD Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of HIV knowledge and attitudes on HIV testing acceptance among patients in an emergency department in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of mergers on managers and educators in public FET Colleges at Buffalo City College, East London
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of poverty reduction strategies during COVID-19 in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The Impact of Store Layout on Consumer Buying Behaviour: A Case of Convenience Stores from a Selected Township in Kwazulu Natal
Number of Objects: 1
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on accessing HIV care: A case report
Number of Objects: 2
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare service access for the victims of sexual assault
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of Virtual Laboratory Delivery Environment on Grade 11 Learners’ Learning Outcomes in Physical Sciences: A Case of Two Low Performing Schools in OR Tambo Inland
Number of Objects: 1
Impact of sustainable tax revenue and expenditure on the achievement of sustainable development goals in some selected African countries
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
The impacts of coastal tourism on the Wild Coast community: a case study of Elliotdale
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 3
Impempe yengcongolo
Number of Objects: 1
Impempe yengcongolo 168.JPG
Number of Objects: 1
The Implementation of Indigenous Knowledge systems in the teaching and learning of South African history: a case study of four Mthatha high schools
Number of Objects: 1
Implementation of the integrated quality management system (IQMS) in selected schools in the Libode District of the Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Implementing a total reward strategy in selected South African municipal organisations
Number of Objects: 1
Implementing active surveillance for TB—The views of managers in a resource limited setting, South Africa
Number of Objects: 2
Implications of financial poverty on schooling and management in the Centane Unit
Number of Objects: 1
Implications of Risks and Vulnerability challenges for Teaching and Learning in Libode - Mega District Rural Schools: Eastern Cape: South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The implications of the proposed carbon tax in South Africa’s tourism industry
Number of Objects: 1
Improving intravenous fluid prescribing in the Eastern Cape in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Improving TB infection control in a regional hospital in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
In vitro antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation of multidrugresistant Acinetobacter baumannii biofilm using Protoporphyrin IX and Methylene blue
Number of Objects: 1
Inaugural Lecture Prof Ncanywa, Thobeka.pptx
Number of Objects: 6
Inaugural Lecture Prof T Ncanywa.pptx
Number of Objects: 1
Incidence of unnatural deaths in Transkei subregion of South Africa (1996 –2015)
Number of Objects: 1
Inckiyo yentsana
Number of Objects: 1
Industry 4.0 and Skills Deficiencies in the HRM Function: Case Study of the HRM Department of a selected organisation in Cape Town
Number of Objects: 1
Inequality in uptake of isoniazid prevention therapy and Mantoux test among pregnant women with HIV in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 4
Inflammatory cytokines and combined biomarker panels in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: Enhancing diagnostic accuracy
Number of Objects: 1
The influence of corruption on environmental sustainability in the developing economies of Southern Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The Influence of School Environmental Factors on Grade 12 Learners’ Academic Performances
Number of Objects: 1
Information Communication Technology(ICT) as a management tool for small and medium tourism enterprises (SMTEs)
Number of Objects: 1
Infuence of green marketing mix on sustainable consumption and customer loyalty in Polokwane, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Ingxowa yecuba
Number of Objects: 1