# SideHustle: Jason GH Londt’s contribution to holdings of the South African Cicadidae (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha) in the KwaZulu-Natal Museum
Number of Objects: 1
#KeepItReal: discursive constructions of authenticity in South African consumer culture
Number of Objects: 1
"#no fee increment"
Number of Objects: 1
& salt the earth behind you
Number of Objects: 1
'A search for educational relevance' : an investigation into the teaching of the rural settlement component of the secondary school syllabus with special reference to Venda
Number of Objects: 1
'Alternative foods' and community-based development : Rooibos tea production in South Africa's West Coast mountains
Number of Objects: 1
'Amanuensis' and 'Steatopygia': the complexity of 'Telling the Tale 'in Zoë Wicomb's David's Story
Number of Objects: 1
'An old boy didn't go to the initiation'
Number of Objects: 1
'Bani ongahamba ngaphezu kolwandle = Who (but Him) could walk on the ocean
Number of Objects: 1
'Becoming animal': motifs of hybridity and liminality in fairy tales and selected contemporary artworks
Number of Objects: 1
'Becoming citizens': young people making sense of citizenship on a South African community radio station youth show
Number of Objects: 1
'Big Daddy' possibly at the St Paul's Dance
Number of Objects: 1
'Big Leaguers' Roland Kirk and Tommy Brideton at the Radio city Hall .
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
'Capitalising on the dullness of the data': A linguistic analysis of a Grade 7 learner's writing
Number of Objects: 1
'Carrying the fire' : Cormac McCarthy's moral philosophy
Number of Objects: 1
'Choice' in women's abortion decision-making narratives: Introducing a supportability approach
Number of Objects: 1
'Come back when you are 65, Sir': discrimination in respect of access to social assistance for the elderly
Number of Objects: 1
'Committed, motivated and joyful?'Job satisfaction and organisational commitment of managers at a South African public utility
Number of Objects: 1
'Committed, motivated and joyful?'Job satisfaction and organisational commitment of managers at a South African public utility:
Number of Objects: 1
'Counterfeiting' Shakespeare; Evidence, Authorship, and John Ford's Funerall Elegye, Brian Vickers book review
Number of Objects: 1
'Environmental policy to community action': methodology and approaches in community-based environmental education programmes in Uganda
Number of Objects: 1
The 'failure-success' dichotomy in migration discourse and practice : revisiting reverse migration deterrents for South Africa based Zimbabwean skilled migrants
Number of Objects: 1
'Feeling at home': institutional culture and the idea of a university
Number of Objects: 1
'Fetal "rights"? The need for a unified approach to the fetus in the context of feticide'
Number of Objects: 1
The 'forward pointing' dance
Number of Objects: 1
'Gameston' farm, Highlands, Albany, CP
Number of Objects: 1
The 'global' and the 'local' : a comparative study of development practices in three South African municipalities
Number of Objects: 1
'God is my forest': Xhosa cultural values provide untapped opportunities for conservation
Number of Objects: 1
'Groenvlei' farm, on Great Berg River
Number of Objects: 2
'Growing up tough': A national survey of South African youth
Number of Objects: 1
'Hayi, they don’t know Xhosa’: Comparative isiXhosa teaching challenges in the Eastern Cape and Gauteng
Number of Objects: 1
'Here's to you, Mrs Robinson' : peculiarities and paragraph 29 in determining the treatment of domestic partnerships
Number of Objects: 1
'I always knew I would go to university': a social realist account of student agency: part 1
Number of Objects: 1
'I want to tell the story again': re-telling in selected novels by Jeanette Winterson and Alan Warner
Number of Objects: 1
'I won't be squeezed into someone else's frame': Stories of supervisor selection
Number of Objects: 1
'Iron on iron': modernism engaging apartheid in some South African railway poems
Number of Objects: 1
'J' iri ciande
Number of Objects: 1
'Joining the academic life': South African students who succeed at university despite not meeting standard entry requirements
Number of Objects: 1
'Kristu 'vukile
Number of Objects: 1
'Leaders like children playing with a grenade?' : an analysis of how the Arab Spring was received in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
'Me Maria, re adora
Number of Objects: 1
'Meaningful engagement’: Towards a language rights paradigm for effective language policy implementation
Number of Objects: 1
'n Analise van die gebruik van satire in enkele tekste van Marlene van Niekerk
Number of Objects: 1
'n Besluitnemings ondersteuningsmodel vir die bepaling van die mees geskikte wisselboustelsel-ritme vir gemengde graanboerderye in die Koeberg
Number of Objects: 1
'n Dekonstruksie van 'n teks uit Die ongedanste dans van Breyten Breytenbach
Number of Objects: 1
'n Eenvormige dissiplinestelsel vir skole in die Bitou 10-streek
Number of Objects: 1
'n Evalueering van die implementering van die graad 9 natuurwetenskapkurrikulum in skole in die Noord-Kaap Provinsie
Number of Objects: 1
'n Interdissiplinêre benadering tot die klasmusiekonderwys in Suid-Afrika
Number of Objects: 1
'n Intertekstuele studie : Die werfbobbejaan van Alexander Strachan
Number of Objects: 1
'n Kritiese evaluering na die effektiwiteit van bestuurstrategieë vir ekstensiewe wolskaapboerdery in die groter Burgersdorp omgewing
Number of Objects: 1
'n Kritiese oorsig en studie van die werkinge van die bemarkingswet van 1937, tot en met die gewysigde en gekonsolideerde wetgewing van wet 59, van 1968 [Deel I]
Number of Objects: 1
'n Leesgesentreerde ondersoek na sosiopolitiese elemente in die poësie aan die hand van enkele gedigte van Wilma Stockensẗrom
Number of Objects: 1
'n Leesmoontlikheid van Jeanne Goosen se teks Louoond : die vrou as skrywer binne die Suid-Afrikaanse bestel
Number of Objects: 1
'n Marxisties-feministiese ondersoek van Wilma Stockenström se roman, Die kremetartekspedisie
Number of Objects: 1
'n Ondersoek na Afrikaanse beskouings oor die kortverhaal met besondere verwysing na enkele nuwer Afrikaanse verhale
Number of Objects: 1
'n Ondersoek na aspekte van die verhouding tussen betrokkenheid en universaliteit in die literatuur
Number of Objects: 1
'n Ondersoek na die aanwending van 'n enkele mikrorekenaar in die klaskamer as hulpmiddel vir die onderrig van wiskunde in die sekondere skool
Number of Objects: 1
'n Ondersoek na die funksie van die verteller ten opsigte van die aktualiteit en romanwêreld in sommige Afrikaanse romans
Number of Objects: 1
'n Ondersoek na die uitbeelding van Khoisan-karakters deur wit Afrikaanse prosateurs: 1994-2014
Number of Objects: 1
'n Ondersoek na die vorm wat die opvoering in die primêre skool kan aanneem : met spesiale verwysing na geselekteerde primêre skole in die Westelike Provinsie
Number of Objects: 1
'n Ondersoek na genderpolitieke kwessies in die kortverhale van Rachelle Greeff
Number of Objects: 1
'n Ontleding van die reisgedigte van Joan Hambidge in 'Visums by verstek'
Number of Objects: 1
'n Ontleding van landboutourisme in die Tuinroete-gebied van Suid-Afrika
Number of Objects: 1
'n Perspektief op kommunikasie in 'n post-apartheidsera in Suid-Afrika met spesifieke verwysing na die rol van Afrikaans
Number of Objects: 1
'N polisistemiese ondersoek na die poësie van instagram-digters
Number of Objects: 1
'n Sintaktiese ondersoek na die gebruik van die neweskikkende voegwoord in Afrikaans
Number of Objects: 1
'n Sintaktiese ondersoek na die gebruik van onderskikkende voegwoorde en sinsverbindende woorde in Afrikaans
Number of Objects: 1
'n Studie van die houding en gesindheid teenoor spesiale onderwys soos geopenbaar deur 'n groep ouers van spesiale klas-leerlinge in Oos-Kaapland
Number of Objects: 1
'n Vergelykende studie van Ingrid Winterbach se Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat (2006) en Etienne van Heerden se Asbesmiddag (2007)
Number of Objects: 1
'Nachtmaal', a quarterly scene on the Church Square, Pretoria
Number of Objects: 1
'On the fringes of society’ and ‘out of the closest’: a response to ‘Sexual/Textual Politics
Number of Objects: 1
'ORPHEIOI HYMNOI' The generic contexts of the Orphic Hymns
Number of Objects: 1
'People's English' in South Africa : theory and practice
Number of Objects: 1
'Premium mine'
Number of Objects: 2
'Raquety Crew"
Number of Objects: 1
'Raquety' Camp Millers Point
Number of Objects: 1
'Respecting the racist': racism at work
Number of Objects: 1
'Respecting the racist’: racism at work
Number of Objects: 1
'Rhodesians' in South Africa : a study of immigrants from Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
'Rich man poor man': inter-household and community factors influencing the use of wild plant resources amongst rural households in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
'Shaw: the Chucker-out'
Number of Objects: 1
'She travels alone and unattended’: the visit to the Eastern Cape of the botanical artist, Marianne North
Number of Objects: 1
'Show and tell': a discursive analysis of women's written accounts of their self-injuring practices
Number of Objects: 1
'Taking language issues to the people': language development in context.
Number of Objects: 1
'Technic' practices of the computer game Lanner: identity development through the LAN-gameplay experience
Number of Objects: 1
'Tell us a new story': a proposal for the transformatory potential of collective memory projects
Number of Objects: 1
'The Area of a Triangle is 1800C’: an analysis of Learners' Idiosyncratic Geometry Responses through the Lenses of Vygotsky's Theory of Concept Formation
Number of Objects: 1
'The Most Amazing Show': performative interactions with postelection South African society and culture
Number of Objects: 2
'The prison troubles us'
Number of Objects: 1
'Underground' hip hop and rock music scenes in East London: exploring identity and authenticity, c1994 - 2010
Number of Objects: 1
An 'up-to date' hoisting gear at the pit head of one of the Randt Gold Mining Companies, Johannesburg
Number of Objects: 1
'Visible hectares, vanishing livelihoods': a case of the fast track land reform and resettlement programme in Southern Matabeleland- Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
'We must start with our own children’: reflectively researching intergenerational leadership for social justice, education, and sustainability
Number of Objects: 1
'We pledge to improve the health of our entire community'
Number of Objects: 1
'We throw away our books': Students’ reading practices and identities
Number of Objects: 1
'You are not alone': the discursive construction of the'suffering victim'identity on The Oprah Winfrey Show
Number of Objects: 1
'Zung' boleke
Number of Objects: 1