The V-C's Awards
Number of Objects: 1
Va ka Mavakula
Number of Objects: 1
Vaal River
Number of Objects: 2
Vabvakure, people from far away
Number of Objects: 1
Vacancy and unemployment analysis in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Vachellia erioloba (camel thorn) and microbial interactions
Number of Objects: 1
Vaka kwitava vusena
Number of Objects: 1
a Vakanga vane nhau dzedu
Number of Objects: 1
Vakanga vane nhewu dzedu
Number of Objects: 1
Vakarurama Vanogara
Number of Objects: 1
Vakarurama vanogara mumaoko aMwari
Number of Objects: 1
Vakhale Va Vurile
Number of Objects: 1
Vakriste yatu lyeko
Number of Objects: 1
VaKriste yatu lyeko ku kutu rwa Hompa
Number of Objects: 1
Valda Niehaus
Number of Objects: 2
Valedictory address: Miss M.G Richardson
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Valerie Møller: a pioneer in South African Quality of Life Research
Number of Objects: 1
Valerie Watkinson (née Minnaar) and Jill
Number of Objects: 1
Validating the use of Hippobromus pauciflorus (L.f) Radlk for the treatment of eye infections in the Eastern Cape South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Validation and adaptation of statistical models based on the SAPS III score to predict in-hospital mortality in a South African ICU
Number of Objects: 1
Validation of a predictor battery for engineering technicians
Number of Objects: 1
Validation of an assessment tool for mental fatigue applied to rotational shift work
Number of Objects: 1
Validation of growth zone deposition in otoliths of two large endemic cyprinids in Lake Gariep, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Validation of high frequency propagation prediction models over Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Validation of Small Punch Testing Methodology to determine the variation in static properties over the build height of Ti-6Al-4V laser metal deposition samples.
Number of Objects: 1
Validation of the periodicity of growth zone formation in the otoliths of four fish species from the Upper Zambezi ecoregion, southern Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Validation of University of New Brunswick Ionospheric Modeling Technique with ionosonde TEC estimation over South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Validity and accuracy of self-reported drug allergies
Number of Objects: 1
Validity and reliability of an objective test of cricket skills
Number of Objects: 1
Validity of categories related to gender identity in ICD-11 and DSM-5 among transgender individuals who seek gender-affirming medical procedures
Number of Objects: 1
The validity of dismissals for refusing to accept changes to terms and conditions of employment
Number of Objects: 1
The validity of humanitarian intervention under international law
Number of Objects: 1
the valley
Number of Objects: 1
The valley full of water
Number of Objects: 1
Valley of Desolation, Graaff Reinet
Number of Objects: 2
Valli Moosa - presentation of constitution painting
Number of Objects: 1
Valombetana sati wa Swing
Number of Objects: 1
Valorization of chicken feather through dekeratinization by keratinolytic Bacillus species to amino acid
Number of Objects: 1
The valuation of amounts for the purpose of inclusion in gross income
Number of Objects: 1
Valuation of banks in emerging markets: an exploratory study
Number of Objects: 1
The valuation of campus built heritage from the student perspective: comparative analysis of Rhodes University in South Africa and St. Mary’s College of Maryland in the United States
Number of Objects: 1
Valuation of communal area livestock benefits, rural livelihoods and related policy issues
Number of Objects: 1
Valuation of intellectual capital in South African companies: a comparative study of three valuation methods
Number of Objects: 1
Valuation of internet-based businesses
Number of Objects: 1
The value added by facilities management services to an organisation's core business
Number of Objects: 1
A value alignment smart city stakeholder model
Number of Objects: 1
Value and size investment strategies: evidence from the cross-section of returns in the South African equity market
Number of Objects: 1
Value delivered by private game reserves in South Africa : a comparison of visitors' and managers' perceptions
Number of Objects: 1
A value framework for information and communication technology governance in South African higher education institutions
Number of Objects: 1
Value management in government construction projects in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The value of a Rhodes University degree and securing employment
Number of Objects: 1
The value of economic capital as an indicator to protect prospective and existing ordinary shareholders
Number of Objects: 1
The value of freshwater inflows into the Kowie, Kromme and Nahoon Estuaries
Number of Objects: 1
The value of incubation to SMME in the financial services industry : the case of the infinitum initiative
Number of Objects: 1
The value of locally isolated freshwater micro-algae in toxicity testing for water resource management in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The value of many small vs. few large marine protected areas in the Western Solomon Islands
Number of Objects: 1
The value of measuring brand equity: the Ceres Fruit Juices case
Number of Objects: 1
The value of non-native fish species : a study of recreational angling in the Amathole district
Number of Objects: 1
The value of remnant habitat patches for conserving butterflies (Lepidoptera) in King Sabata Dalindyebo (KSD) Local Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The value of shared corporate services in improving patient care
Number of Objects: 1
The value of the middleman in the supply chain of South African tyre production
Number of Objects: 1
The value-added tax implications in respect of the supply of services by foreign companies in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A value-based approach to promoting excellence in mathematics education
Number of Objects: 1
Values and workplace expectations of young graduates in the private sector
Number of Objects: 1
Valuing Higher Education
Number of Objects: 2
Valuing preferences for freshwater inflows into five Eastern Cape and Kwazulu-Natal estuaries
Number of Objects: 1
Valuing preferences for freshwater inflows into selected Western and Southern Cape estuaries
Number of Objects: 1
Valuing preferences for freshwater inflows into the Bira, Bushmans, Kasouga, Keiskamma, Kleinemond East, Nahoon and Tyolomnqa estuaries
Number of Objects: 1
Valuing South Africa's savannas: Methodological Issues
Number of Objects: 1
Valuing the arts: pitfalls in economic impact studies of arts festivals
Number of Objects: 1
Valuing the purposes of higher education
Number of Objects: 1
Valuing water inflows into the Swartkops, Kariega, Mngazi and Magazana estuaries in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Valunga Vatile Khale
Number of Objects: 1
Vamakweru dumisani hosi
Number of Objects: 1
Vamama Ulobafwile
Number of Objects: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Vambedzi asi vhathu
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Vamwatate amushe natyeni kuKulunga
Number of Objects: 1
Van dagboek tot reisjoernaal : 'n literêre ondersoek na intertekstualiteit in Bidsprinkaan (2005) van André P. Brink
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Van die opgaan van die son
Number of Objects: 1
Van die opgan van die Son
Number of Objects: 1
Van Staadens Pass
Number of Objects: 1
Van Staadens Waterfall
Number of Objects: 1
Van Staden's River mouth
Number of Objects: 2
Van Staden's Wild Flower Reserve
Number of Objects: 2
Van Staden's Wild Flower Reserve, Port Elizabeth
Number of Objects: 13
Vana vadiki
Number of Objects: 1
Vana VaPfupajena
Number of Objects: 1
Vanadium-based catalysts for oxidation of organosulfur compounds: synthesis, catalysis and mechanistic studies
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Vane veAfrica
Number of Objects: 1
Vanhwanyana va ti lahla
Number of Objects: 1
Vanhwawqana vaka Pfumo
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 2
Vantage Points: Essays, Critical Perspectives, Field Notes, and a Manual.
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Vapfa kokoko vhasango tshaka
Number of Objects: 1