Control and authenticity: reflections on personal autonomy
- Authors: Paphitis, Sharli Anne
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Frankfurt, Harry G., 1929- -- Criticism and interpretation Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900 -- Criticism and interpretation Watson, Gary, 1943- -- Criticism and interpretation Self-control Authenticity (Philosophy) Autonomy (Philosophy) Self (Philosophy)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2717 ,
- Description: Currently the most influential accounts of personal autonomy, at least in the Englishspeaking world, focus on providing conditions under which agents can be said to exercise self-control. Two distinct accounts of personal autonomy have emerged in this tradition: firstly, hierarchical models grounded in the work of Harry Frankfurt; and secondly, systems division models most famously articulated by Gary Watson. In this thesis I show the inadequacies of both of these models by exploring the problematic views of the self and self-control underlying each model. I will suggest that the problems faced by these models stem from the fact that they endorse a problematic fragmentation of the self. I suggest that a Nietzschean account of personal autonomy is able to avoid these problems. The Nietzschean account can largely, I show, be drawn from Nietzsche’s understanding of both the ‘man of ressentiment’ and his opposite, the sovereign individual. On this picture wholeness of self – rather than fragmentation of the self – is required in order for us to be most fully autonomous. Furthermore, this wholeness of self requires the kind of integrity which is opposed to the problematic fragmentation endorsed by Frankfurt and Watson.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Control and integrability on SO (3)
- Authors: Remsing, C C
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6787 ,
- Description: This paper considers control ane left- invariant systems evolving on matrix Lie groups. Such systems have signicant applications in a variety of elds. Any left-invariant optimal control problem (with quadratic cost) can be lifted, via the celebrated Maximum Principle, to a Hamiltonian system on the dual of the Lie algebra of the underlying state space G. The (minus) Lie-Poisson structure on the dual space g is used to describe the (normal) extremal curves. An interesting, and rather typical, single-input con- trol system on the rotation group SO (3) is investi- gated in some detail. The reduced Hamilton equa- tions associated with an extremal curve are derived in a simple and elegant manner. Finally, these equations are explicitly integrated by Jacobi elliptic functions.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Copreneurships in South African small and medium-sized family business
- Authors: Eybers, Carey
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Couple-owned business enterprises , Family-owned business enterprises -- Succession -- South Africa , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa , Small business -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:9285 , , Couple-owned business enterprises , Family-owned business enterprises -- Succession -- South Africa , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa , Small business -- South Africa
- Description: Taking cognisance of the increasingly important role that copreneurial businesses play in national economies, the unique challenges that they face, and the lack of research attention given to such spousal teams, the purpose of this study was to contribute to the more effective functioning of copreneurships in South Africa by identifying the factors that impact on their success. Consequently, the primary objective of this study was to investigate the factors that influence the Perceived success of copreneurships in South Africa, as well as the conditions required for the effective and harmonious functioning of such spousal partnerships. This study seeks to incorporate previous findings and studies on team effectiveness and spousal relationships into a comprehensive conceptual model. After conducting a comprehensive literature study, as well as examining the different teamwork models proposed and the study by Farrington (2009), it became clear that successful teams have validated their proficiency with regard to two types of factors, namely, relational-based and organisational-based factors. Within these two categories of factors, 14 independent variables were identified and hypothesised to influence the measures of effectiveness of copreneurships, namely the dependent variable Perceived success; and the intervening variable Financial performance. All of the factors in this study were clearly defined and operationalised. Reliable and valid items sourced from Farrington’s (2009) measuring instrument, as well as several measuring instruments used in other studies, were used in the operationalisation of these factors. In addition, several items were self-generated from secondary sources. Respondents were identified using the convenience snowball sampling technique, and a structured questionnaire was made available to them. The data gathered from the 380 usable questionnaires was subjected to various statistical analyses. The validity and reliability of the measuring instrument was confirmed by means of an exploratory factor analysis, and Cronbach-alpha coefficients were calculated for this purpose. The original intervening variable Financial performance could not be confirmed as originally intended in the conceptual model. Instead, Financial performance split into v two separate variables which were named Financial performance and Growth performance. The original dependent variable Perceived success was confirmed by the factor analyses. The relational- and organisational-based factors could not be confirmed as originally intended in the conceptual model. Instead, seven new relational- and seven new organisational-based factors emerged, and where necessary these factors were renamed. The primary statistical procedure used to test the significance of the relationships hypothesised between the independent and dependent variables in this study, was Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Owing to the sample-size restrictions, the conceptual model could not be subjected to SEM as a whole. Instead, seven submodels were identified and subjected to further analysis. The following independent variables were identified as influencing the dependent and intervening variables in this study: • Spousal relationship • Commitment to spouse • Equal status • Commitment to the business • Emotional attachment • Non-family involvement • Personal needs alignment • Leadership • Competencies • Internal context In order to investigate the influence of the various demographic variables on the intervening and dependent variables, an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Multiple Linear Regression analysis and t-tests were performed. How leadership occurs in a copreneurial business, the tenure of the business, the location of the business, the status of the copreneurship, the level of spousal involvement in the business and the vi number of employees were found to have an influence on the intervening and dependent variables of this study. By empirically investigating copreneurships, this study has added to the limited amount of family business literature on these complex partnerships. By way of the conceptual models developed in this study a significant contribution has been made towards understanding the factors influencing the success of copreneurships. As a result, this study presents recommendations and suggestions to assist couples in managing their copreneurships in such a way as to nurture their marriage relationships and at the same time enhance the performance of their businesses.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Cost-effective, post-mining environmental restoration of an open-cast phosphate mine at Langebaanweg, South Africa
- Authors: Van Eeden, Joseph Deon
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Abandoned mined lands reclamation -- South Africa -- Langebaan , Phosphate mines and mining -- Environmental aspects -- South Africa -- Langebaan , Phytoremediation -- South Africa -- Langebaan
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4232 , , Abandoned mined lands reclamation -- South Africa -- Langebaan , Phosphate mines and mining -- Environmental aspects -- South Africa -- Langebaan , Phytoremediation -- South Africa -- Langebaan
- Description: Approaching the ecological rehabilitation of an open-cast phosphate mine in the West Coast of South Africa during the post-operational phase presented some challenges. The area was extensively modified during the mining operations. Soils from different layers were mixed with topsoil being covered by subsoil, overburden dumps and tailing dams being constructed resulting in extensive cross-zoned soils. Large areas of subsoil areas were exposed on the mine floor with localized and small scale salinity being evident. The modified topography as well as the complex new surface material posed a challenge in terms of identifying suitable local species that could be used to rehabilitate the post-mining environment. The mine area was heavily infested with woody alien invasive plants, such as Acacia cyclops, established in an attempt to reduce the dust and little natural vegetation cover was present. In the arid west coast environment, the four-month-long winter growing season is followed by hot and windy dry summers (Chapter 2) presenting a challenge reestablishing local vegetation in modified soils. Moreover, little was known about the local vegetation in terms of their propagation and use in stabilization techniques as an alternative to exotic vegetation such as the A. cyclops, which had been more often used in revegetation projects. A study was conducted to determine the most efficient and cost-effective methods of vegetative rehabilitation of the Chemfos site (Chapter 1). A review of the literature available at the time as well as approaches that were successfully implemented in other Western Cape rehabilitation projects such as the Du Toitskloof Pass and the Sishen–Saldanha railway line (Chapter 3), were considered. Previous studies on the west coast dunes at Blaauwberg had shown using Marram grass as a dune stabilizer was most successful. Marram grass was tested in trials alongside local grasses, such as Chaetobromus dregeanus and Ehrharta villosa, that showed potential but had not been formally evaluated. The environmental context of Chemfos (Chapter 2) as well as the Conceptual Rehabilitation Plan that considered the modified environment, soils and closure objectives of the mine, were reviewed to determine the most pressing rehabilitationrelated questions that required answers. This led to the final experimental design that was implemented mid-winter in 1996 (Chapter 5). The trials were implemented in the areas perceived to be the most difficult to rehabilitate, namely the mobile sands in the tailings dam and the exposed subsoil or mine floor areas. The use of brushwood together with specific plants and seeds appropriate for the use in either sandy soil or subsoil were evaluated in a variety of combinations and application densities to determine the most effective treatment combination at the minimum effective density. The best initial cover of the tailings dam were recorded in the Ammophila arenaria trials but the use of the local grass species Ehrharta villosa, performed better from year two onwards and was much cheaper to establish. On the subsoil, the trials where a cover of topsoil was used performed better than the combination trials. This indicated that topsoil placement on post-operational phase shaped subsoils during the mining operation to be the most desirable treatment. Initial results of the trials were used as a basis for developing the rehabilitation techniques that were rolled out across the Chemfos landscape. The approaches were refined as indications of trial responses became evident. Lessons learned were incorporated in the adaptive management approach that was followed and the rehabilitation techniques (Chapter 6) were continually re-evaluated and adjusted. This resulted in a significant step towards achieving the overall research objective of finding cost-effective approaches to rehabilitation. Components such as refinement of the seed collection and processing techniques (Chapter 7) where the post-harvest processing cost was significantly reduced by introducing specially designed drying racks. Processing techniques were adjusted to suit the different species, and a variety of mechanical processing options were explored. The scale of the Chemfos project led to the development of new techniques of manufacturing a smoke-derived germination stimulant (Chapter 8) since commercial availability of these products was very limited. The development of FireGrow assisted in the overall aim of reducing cost by increasing germination of seed in the rehabilitation sites using a very cost-effective smoke concentrate. Socio-economical aspects were considered during the implementation as well as the post-closure phases of the rehabilitation and BHPBilliton invested through the agency of the SAMANCOR Trust. This led to the development of livelihoods of the staff that remained in the area and that lived in the mine village. The demography of the population has changed over time in the Green Village as well as the skills that the inhabitants have developed. Thus, the new economic opportunities that were pursued have brought a new lease on life beyond the lifespan of the mine (Chapter 9) once the closure certificate had been issued.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Creating a new underclass : labour flexibility and the temporary employment services industry
- Authors: Van Der Merwe, Christine
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Temporary employment , Unfair labor practices -- South Africa , Temporary help services , Temporary help services -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSocSc
- Identifier: vital:3291 , , Temporary employment , Unfair labor practices -- South Africa , Temporary help services , Temporary help services -- South Africa
- Description: The core of the research focuses on the Temporary Employment Services (TES) Industry and its ability to provide labour flexibility for a number of client firms. The underlying notion that work is changing and becoming more flexible creates an exploratory realm for the concept of non-standard employment. The thesis draws on the conceptual model of the „flexible firm‟ and argues that the rise in non-standard forms of employment, particularly temporary employment within the TES industry, is primarily a result of the demand for labour flexibility. The TES industry that offers „labour on demand‟ is found to be an extremely secretive industry that is diverse in both its structure and services. The thesis reveals that the clients within the triangular employment relationship (TER) are reaping the most benefits especially with regard to escaping their obligations as the employer. The thesis explores human resource practices, unfair labour practices and the extensive loopholes exploited by the TES industry because of poor regulation. Consequently, the industry creates an „underclass‟ that is unprotected, insecure and easily exploitable. Qualitative research techniques were used in the form of semi-structured interviews. The thesis provides insights into the demand and supply of temporary workers in Port Elizabeth and addresses the problems associated with a TER and the TES industry as a whole.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Cretaceous volcanic rocks of the Namibe Basin, southern Angola: report on a reconnaissance field and geochemical investigation
- Authors: Marsh, Julian S
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29070
- Description: publisher version , Mafic alkaline lavas and intrusions occur in the onshore Namibe Basin in southern Angola. The distribution and field relationships of these igneous rocks have been mapped and described by Carvalho (1961). During a reconnaissance field visit in June 2009 a suite of samples was collected for further investigation.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Criminalisation of HIV/AIDS in South Africa: a critical look at the Criminal Law (Sexual offences and related matters) Amendment Act 32 of 2007
- Authors: Ndawula, Barnabas
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: AIDS (Disease) -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Sex crimes -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:10167 , , AIDS (Disease) -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Sex crimes -- South Africa
- Description: Human Immuno Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) have formed part of the South African landscape since the first report in 19831and today South Africa is reported to be the country with the highest number of people living with HIV/AIDS in the World2. This state of affairs, in combination with South Africa’s high sexual crime rate resulted in a general public out-cry with calls for the government and the legislature to enact laws to stem the spread of HIV/AIDS3. Government and the legislature finally responded by way of promulgating the criminal law (sexual Offences and related matters) Amendment Act4 (hereinafter the sexual Offences Act). The Sexual Offences Act inter alia provides for the compulsory testing of alleged offenders of sexual crimes5 This treatise will show that chapter five of the sexual Offences Act, indirectly criminalises HIV/AIDS, and that this is not desirable. It will be submitted that the criminalisation of HIV is against the stated UNAIDS policy 6 It is finally submitted in this treatise that South Africa should repeal all provisions in its law that directly or indirectly criminalises HIV/AIDS transmission and instead follow both and is a deterrent to public health methods of curbing the epidemic, while at the same time exacerbates the spread of the epidemic by forcing people who are HIV positive not to openly come out. It will be argued in the use of criminal law against the transmission of HIV creates stigma and is also an attack on individual human rights. The study will also show that the supposed marginalised persons, such as women and children are not protected by the use of criminal law in the prevention of HIV transmission, contrary to the arguments of the proponents of those who support the use of criminal law. The study will show that far from protecting these marginalised groups of people, criminalisation of HIV transmission, does in fact hurt them the UNAIDS policy and the South African development corporation (SADC) Model Law on HIV and AIDS.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Critical reflections on the war on terrorism from an international human rights perspective
- Authors: Fabbriciani, Antonio Antonino
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Human rights , War on Terrorism, 2001-2009 , Civil rights , International law
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DPhil
- Identifier: vital:9041 , , Human rights , War on Terrorism, 2001-2009 , Civil rights , International law
- Description: This study explored the balancing out of the rights associated with terrorist and counter-terrorist attacks by using descriptive case studies of the US 9/11 attacks; and the counter-terrorist attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq. The research was conducted within a critical theory paradigm, drawing on the ideas of Habermas and other Critical Theorists. The research design was influenced by the securitive and ideological nature of the topic and it was decided that an extensive review of literature would be more suitable than a field study. A small number of interviews added to the richness of the data. Human rights, needs and international relations were investigated to serve as a theoretical starting-point for the study (Chapter 2). The case studies were subsequently explored against the background of this theoretical approach. This thesis therefore assessed the impact of human rights law on terrorism and counter-terrorism attacks under the Human Rights Act (1998). It considered how the provisions of the Human Rights Act have influenced the formulation and interpretation of anti-terrorism laws, and it examined the role of the judiciary in adjudicating disputes between the individual and the state. It further discussed human needs and the progress on human rights, terrorist attacks, as well as counter-terrorism attacks. Extensive data was gathered on the 9/11 attacks, and it was concluded that these attacks fall within the definition of crimes against humanity under international human rights jurisprudence. To bring about a truly secure world we must adopt a new paradigm that shifts priority to the security of the individuals and of communities to achieving human security, the honouring of human rights, and respect for the rule of law. This will obviously require a renewed commitment by all individuals and a shared sense of responsibility for all people, all over the world. What we need now is a major course correction – a new iii A. Fabbriciani approach which begins with a broader understanding of what defines human rights and the rule of law (Wilson, 2007). The study also focuses on counter-terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq (Chapters 3 and 4). It was shown that counter-terrorist attacks had an effect on the global economic system and development policies, which have been dominated by ideological strategies for many years. However, resistance has come from Islamic states, which have realised that new-liberal economic practices are incompatible with their theological and economic traditions. This has caused a situation to rethink global development programmes by political leaders, and to move away from new-liberal schemes towards true global development strategies. One of the main findings of the study was that the crimes of persecution and torture on the basis of political or religious views have been perpetrated by both parties, namely Al-Qaeda, and the US and its allies. It has been shown that the explored acts of terrorism and counter-attacks represent crimes against humanity, as defined by the relevant provisions of international law.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Critical success factors for user acceptance of telemedicine in South Africa
- Authors: Cilliers, Liezel
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Telecommunication in medicine , Medical telematics
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom (Information Systems)
- Identifier: vital:11126 , , Telecommunication in medicine , Medical telematics
- Description: The World Health Organization has recommended Telemedicine to improve health care in developing countries. The objective of this study was to produce Critical Success Factors that will investigate and identify factors that influence the acceptance and continued use of Telemedicine in the Eastern Cape Department of Health, and to suggest ways to sustain this technology from initial adoption (the pilot programme) to full adoption. Sub questions investigated which other facilitating factors, such as management support or previous Information Technology exposure must be present in order for the technology to be adopted successfully. The study made use of a questionnaire to investigate the user acceptance and behaviour of health care workers. A return rate of 76% was achieved. The data was analysed making use of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), specifically the Chi Square test. From these results Critical Success Factors where then formulated to address the problems identified. The Critical Success Factors that were identified include: Implement and disseminate best practice within a legislative framework; Find a champion; Change management strategies; Training; Sustainable finance; Technical issues and Project management principles If these CSFs are addressed before and during the implementation of Telemedicine it will increase the acceptance and use of the technology among health care workers. Critical Success Factors for User Acceptance of Telemedicine in South Africa.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Cultivating a scholarly community of practice
- Authors: Lotz-Sisitka, Heila , Ellery, Karen , Olvitt, Lausanne L , Schudel, Ingrid J , O'Donoghue, Rob B
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29579 ,
- Description: In the field of Environment and Sustainability Education we are seeking ways of developing our teaching and supervision practices to enable social changes in a rapidly transforming field of practice where global issues of truth, judgement, justice and sustainability define our engagements with the public good. This article explores the process of cultivating a scholarly community of practice as a model of supervision that not only engages scholars in an intellectual community oriented towards socio-ecological transformation, but also extends and enhances dialogue with individuals on the technical and theoretical aspects of their postgraduate studies.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Cultivation of medicinal plants as a tool for biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation in the Amatola region, South Africa:
- Authors: Wiersum, K Freerk , Dold, Anthony P , Husselman, Madeleen , Cocks, Michelle L
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:37979 , ISBN 9781402054488 ,
- Description: This paper describes the assumptions and results of a study to assess whether cultivation of medicinal plants can serve as a tool for combined biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation. The study was carried out in the Amatola region of Eastern Cape, South Africa, where sustained beliefs in medicinal plant use, also under non-traditional conditions, has resulted in an increase in commercial demands. It was based on the assumption of poverty alleviation not only referring to an increase in income and labour, but also an increase in social capital and human dignity. The study assessed the local perceptions of the use and cultivation of medicinal plants and the need for conservation of these plants, as well as the features of already ongoing cultivation practices and options for increased cultivation. It consisted of participatory assessments in three villages involving around 250 persons and participatory trials with 14 rural women selling medicinal plants on urban markets. The study indicated that the growing demand for medicinal plants is related to the great cultural significance attached to medicinal plants.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Cultural villages inherited tradition and "African culture": a case study of Mgwali Cultural Village in the Eastern Cape
- Authors: Bovana, Solomzi Victor
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Tourism -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Heritage tourism -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Culture and tourism -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA (History)
- Identifier: vital:11537 , , Tourism -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Heritage tourism -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Culture and tourism -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: A growing number of studies concerning cultural villages have in most instances tended to focus on the cultural village as almost legitimately self-explanatory and have not been particularly concerned with either how a particular history is produced in and through these villages, or with the ways that particular discourses and practices associated with heritage, tourism, community and development intersect in the production of these meanings. As such Mgwali Cultural Village seemed to promise something different in the form of cultural villages. The thesis argues that Mgwali Cultural Village is unique in the history of cultural villages in that it moves away from presenting a cultural village in Africa as tribal and primitive. It does this by opening up spaces for other aspects such as Christianity and resistance politics, story of Tiyo Soga rather than focusing and confining itself only to aspects cultural portraying Africans and traditional. It is imperative that cultural villages ought to be understood within a broader framework and context where its definition and presentation is not trapped into an anthropological paradigm thinking of exploring and discovering something new by tourists which they are not familiar with. However, the thesis also argues that much as Mgwali Cultural Village promised something new from the known through depiction of other aspects, those histories seem to be absent or marginal at the Cultural Village. The only aspects that are fore grounded are traditions and culture thus freezing Mgwali as a village and its people in time as if they have not evolved and its cultures are static and not dynamic. The thesis therefore explores all those contradictions, silences, or absence thereof of other stories and histories.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Cumulative effects of living conditions and working conditions on the health, well-being, and work ability of nurses in Grahamstown East and West
- Authors: Hodgskiss, Jodi Lyndall
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Nurses -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Nurses -- Employment -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Nurses -- Job stress -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Nurses -- Job satisfaction -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Nurses -- Economic conditions -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Nurses -- Social conditions -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Quality of life -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Social indicators -- South Africa -- Grahamstown
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5108 , , Nurses -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Nurses -- Employment -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Nurses -- Job stress -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Nurses -- Job satisfaction -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Nurses -- Economic conditions -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Nurses -- Social conditions -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Quality of life -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Social indicators -- South Africa -- Grahamstown
- Description: Despite the many changes that have occurred in South Africa since the end of apartheid, there are still residual effects of it, as is evidenced in the disparity of living conditions between different racial groups. It is also evident that there are differences in the work tasks and working conditions of nurses working in different work environments. This project looks at how living conditions as well as working conditions interactively affect the health, subjective well-being, and work ability of nurses. Questionnaires were completed by, and interviews were conducted with nurses from Settlers Hospital and seven municipal clinics within Grahamstown (n=152). The participation rate was approximately 71%. The questionnaires included self-report, forced-choice questions regarding basic demographics of the nurses, work conditions, living conditions, subjective satisfaction levels, as well as a simplified version of the Nordic Questionnaire of Musculoskeletal Strain (Kuorinka et al., 1987), and the Work Ability Index (WAI) (Tuomi et al., 2006). The questionnaires were translated into Afrikaans and IsiXhosa. One-on-one interviews were conducted with the participants, in order to obtain a 24-hour dietary recall, an indication of physical activity levels, as well as measurements of stature, mass, waist girth and hip girth. Factor analysis was performed to identify common variance from amongst the variables, while canonical correlations examined the interaction between the sets of factors. It was found that variables relating to demographic factors, living conditions, and working conditions were closely linked to each other. Factors from each of these groups were associated with life, health, and job satisfaction, anthropometric measures, musculoskeletal strain, and WAI scores. Satisfaction levels appeared to be largely determined by socioeconomic status, while anthropometrics, WAI scores, and levels of musculoskeletal strain were associated with levels of smoking and drinking, race, age, stature, position and tenure.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Customer profiling using a service-orientated architecture
- Authors: Ntawanga, Felix
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Consumer profiling -- South Africa , Consumer behavior -- South Africa , Service-oriented architecture (Computer science) , Electronic commerce -- South Africa -- Computer programs
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10464 , , Consumer profiling -- South Africa , Consumer behavior -- South Africa , Service-oriented architecture (Computer science) , Electronic commerce -- South Africa -- Computer programs
- Description: Customer profiling has recently gained much recognition in the e-commerce domain because of the benefits it is capable of bringing to online business. Customer profiling has been implemented in various systems development approaches such as in a client-server environment. Recently there has been an increase in the number of organisations adopting and implementing e-commerce systems using service-oriented architecture (SOA) principles. This research set out to determine how a customer profile can be implemented using open source SOA implementation tools, and how SOA-based customer profiles can be utilised to provide appropriate personalisation in an SOA environment. The research further endeavoured to complete a comparative study on customer profile implementation in two different architectures, namely SOA and client-server. An extensive literature review was conducted on SOA, customer profiling and e-commerce systems development. SOA enabling technologies, such as, web services, enterprise service bus (ESB) and open source Sun Java SOA implementation tools, for example, Open ESB, GlassFish application server and Netbeans IDE were analysed. A Java web services-based customer profiling system was prototyped following SOA design principles. An end-user evaluation survey was conducted using eye tracking with a sample of 30 participants. The evaluation was done on two e-commerce systems with the same interface but running on two different customer profile back-ends, SOA and client-server. The results show that participants did not experience significant difference between the two systems, however, eye tracking results showed a significant difference between the two systems. The research concluded that customer profiling using SOA offers more benefits than implementations using other architectures such as client-server. SOA component-based development proved to be easier to manage, develop, integrate and improves interoperability between different technologies. The research brought together necessary techniques and technologies that organisations can use to implement SOA. Using SOA, organisations can integrate and utilise different technologies seamlessly to achieve business goals.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Cyber security: Challenges and the way forward
- Authors: Ayofe, Azeez N , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72524 ,
- Description: The high level of insecurity on the internet is becoming worrisome so much so that transaction on the web has become a thing of doubt. Cy-bercrime is becoming ever more serious and prevalent. Findings from 2002 Computer Crime and Security Survey show an upward trend that demonstrates a need for a timely review of existing approaches to fighting this new phenomenon in the information age. In this paper, we provide an overview of Cybercrime and present an international per-spective on fighting Cybercrime. This work seeks to define the concept of cyber-crime, explain tools being used by the criminals to perpetrate their evil handiworks, identify reasons for cyber-crime, how it can be eradicated, look at those involved and the reasons for their involve-ment, we would look at how best to detect a criminal mail and in conclu-sion, proffer recommendations that would help in checking the increas-ing rate of cyber-crimes and criminals.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Data classification for artificial intelligence construct training to aid in network incident identification using network telescope data
- Authors: Cowie, Bradley , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72667 ,
- Description: This paper considers the complexities involved in obtaining training da-ta for use by artificial intelligence constructs to identify potential network incidents using passive network telescope data. While a large amount of data obtained from network telescopes exists, this data is not current-ly marked for known incidents. Problems related to this marking process include the accuracy of the markings, the validity of the original data and the time involved. In an attempt to solve these issues two methods of training data generation are considered namely; manual identification and automated generation. The manual technique considers heuristics for finding network incidents while the automated technique considers building simulated data sets using existing models of virus propagation and malicious activity. An example artificial intelligence system is then constructed using these marked datasets.
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- Date Issued: 2010
David Lurie's learning and the meaning of J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace
- Authors: Wright, Laurence
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: vital:7063 , ,
- Description: preprint , One of the teasing characteristics of novels soused in literariness, like J.M. Coetzee’s, is their tendency to leak, to bleed, into vast inchoate terrains of intertextuality.The reader is constantly challenged to measure and assess their implications within or against the frail containing form of the story, much as Russian formalism taught us to keep sujet and fable in perpetual dialogue. However, it has become apparent that in the dense thickets of commentary occasioned by Coetzee’s most controversial novel, Disgrace (1999), insufficient attention has been paid to the intertextual implications of David Lurie’s learning, his scholarly preoccupations. Unless the reader attempts this kind of exploration, two of the most vexed issues freighting the novel’s central fabulation: Lucy’s curiously stoical, impassive response to her rape, together with her decision to stay on in South Africa; and David Lurie’s sudden, seemingly inexplicable care for the doomed dogs, from their last moments at the animal shelter until he lovingly consigns their corpses to the incinerator, must remain opaque. In particular, the final words of the novel, “Yes, I am giving him up” (220), uttered in relation to the immanent “Lösung” of the little dog Bev Shaw calls Driepoot, will tend to taunt the reader, rather than illuminate.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Day-of-the-week effect : evidence from nine sectors of the South African stock market
- Authors: Mbululu, Douglas
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Stock exchanges -- South Africa , Johannesburg Stock Exchange , Stocks -- Prices -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:1024 , , Stock exchanges -- South Africa , Johannesburg Stock Exchange , Stocks -- Prices -- South Africa
- Description: The day-of-the-week effect in share prices is one of the most extensively researched anomalies, especially in developed markets. However, emerging African stock markets have received little attention in this regard. This study breaks new ground in using non-parametric tests directly on skewness and kurtosis to examine whether the day-of-he-week effect exists in nine listed stock market sector indices of the JSE Securities Exchange of South Africa (JSE). Different day-of-the-week effects were found to be present in the statistical moments of returns of these nine JSE sectors
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- Date Issued: 2010
Deliberating the Dialogues: a critical examination of the nature and purpose of a Daily Dispatch public journalism project
- Authors: Amner, Roderick John
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Daily Dispatch (East London, South Africa) Journalism -- South Africa -- East London Citizen journalism -- South Africa -- East London
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3417 ,
- Description: This thesis critically examines the nature and purpose of a series of four town-hall-like meetings, the Community Dialogues, held in the townships and suburbs of East London, South Africa, in 2009. They were undertaken by a mainstream, commercial newspaper, the Daily Dispatch, under the banner of the worldwide public journalism movement. Following Christians et al (2009), the thesis sets out a normative framework of media performance in a democracy, including a detailed and critical normative theory of the ‘facilitative role’ proposed and developed by Haas (2007), one of the public journalism movement’s key advocate-theorists. It also draws on a variety of theoretical frameworks and perspectives in the fields of Political Studies and Media Studies to provide an analytical overview of the complex matrix of political and media contexts – at the macro (global), meso (national) and micro (local) levels – that have helped give impetus to the Community Dialogues and also shaped their ongoing operation as a public journalism strategy in the South African context. Following a critical realist case study design, the thesis goes on to provide a narrative account of the Dialogues based on in-depth interviews exploring the motivations, self-understandings and perceptions of those journalists who originated, directed and participated in this project, as well as observation of a Community Dialogue, and an examination of some of the journalistic texts related to the Dialogues. This primary data is then critically evaluated against normative theories of press performance, especially Haas’s ‘public philosophy’ of public journalism. The thesis found that apart from their undoubted success in generating a more comprehensive and representative news agenda for the newspaper, the Dialogues often fell short of Habermas’s (1989) proceduralist-discursive notion of the ‘deliberating public’, which sees citizens share a commitment to engage in common deliberation and public problem solving. This can be attributed to a number of problems, including some important theoretical/conceptual weaknesses in the Community Dialogues’ project design, the relative immaturity of the project, the domination of civil society by political society in the South African political context, and a number of organisational constraints at the Daily Dispatch. On the other hand, the newspaper’s editorial leadership has shown clear commitment to the idea of expanding the project in the future, establishing a more a more structured programme of community engagement, and nurturing a more sustainable public sphere, including the building of a more dialectical relationship between the Dialogues and civil society.
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- Date Issued: 2010
Democratic leadership and management practices in a rural Namibian secondary school
- Authors: Mabuku, Robert Nalisa
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Educational leadership -- Namibia -- Case studies School management and organization -- Namibia -- Case studies Education, Secondary -- Namibia -- Case studies Educational change -- Namibia -- Case studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1489 ,
- Description: The primary purpose of this research was to investigate the understanding and implementation of democratic leadership and management in schools by school managers and other members of the school community in leadership and management roles as advocated by the policy of Education for all. The study also aimed at identifying any gaps in the understanding and practice of the participants in order to enhance democratic leadership and management in schools. Qualitative research using the interpretive approach was the methodology employed in order to fulfill the intention of the study, namely to investigate the participants` experiences and understanding of democratic education leadership and management. The case study method was appropriate to understand the meanings the participants attached to their practice in their natural setting. Data were collected by using semi-structured interviews, document analysis, and observation. The sample for the study consisted of ten participants: the principal, the head of department, two School Board members, two senior teachers, two Learner Representative Council members and two class captains. The findings suggest that the participants understood and practised democratic ELM in terms of broader participation, open communication, delegation for empowerment, learning organisation, shared decision-making, shared leadership and teamwork. However, the data suggest areas of concern in the participants` understanding and implementation of the policy which could be strengthened to entrench the policy. The study recommends that education policy makers, education managers, school managers, teachers, parents and learners all work towards improving democratic ELM in schools. In order to achieve this objective, policy makers are urged to avoid ambiguity to enable all implementers to fully understand policies. Education managers could ensure school-wide training on the policy while school managers and other stakeholders should engage in self-reflection and introspection and be more proactive towards improving their own understanding and practice.
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- Date Issued: 2010