Exploring the identity construction of Johannesburg bodybuilders with Photovoice
- Authors: Rogers, Keegan
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Identity (Psychology) Bodybuilders Athletes
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSoc
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/12631 , vital:39294
- Description: Identity is a complex concept involving not only who one is, but who one is becoming. Identity is often shaped by one’s experiences and by one’s environment. The identity of bodybuilders is constructed through their experiences, which are often hidden. Using Participant Action Research, specifically Photovoice, the participants were provided a platform to share their experience from their own perspective. This research aimed to explore the identity of bodybuilders and what shapes their identity. Four male bodybuilders between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-eight participated in the study. The sample of participants consisted of two black males and two Caucasian males. The four athletes either selected or took photographs of significant aspects in their life that they felt contributed to their identity. The researcher conducted semi-structured interviews with the athletes regarding the photographic images they took. The interview transcripts and photographs were analysed using Thematic Analysis. Five main themes were identified: Diet (including water intake and on/off season cycles), Presentation of physique, Psychological impact on self-confidence, Risks involved with bodybuilding and Impact on personal life. Significances of the themes were discussed with the aim of increasing awareness regarding the experience of bodybuilders and how their experience as bodybuilders has shaped their identity.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Exploring the potential of developmental work research and change laboratory to support sustainability transformations: a case study of organic agriculture in Zimbabwe
- Authors: Mukute, Mutizwa , Mudokwani, Kuda , McAllistair, Georgina , Nyikahadzoi, Kefasi
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/392119 , vital:68723 , xlink:href="https://doi.org/10.1080/10749039.2018.1451542"
- Description: This paper explores the emergence of transgressive learning in CHAT-informed development work research in a networked organic agriculture case study in Zimbabwe, based on intervention research involving district organic associations tackling interconnected issues of climate change, water, food security and solidarity. The study established that We change laboratories can be used to support transgressive learning through: confronting unproductive local norms; collective reframing of problematic issues; stimulating expansive learning and sustainability transformations in minds, relationships and landscapes across time. The study also confirms the need for fourth generation CHAT to address the complex social-ecological problems of today.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Exploring the potential of imines as antiprotozoan agents with focus on t. Brucei and p. Falciparum
- Authors: Oluwafemi, Kola Augustus
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Protozoa , Parasites , Imines , Nuclear magnetic resonance , HeLa cells , Plasmodium falciparum , Trypanosoma brucei , Isomerism
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/62235 , vital:28145 , DOI 10.21504/10962/62235
- Description: This work focuses on the design, synthesis and evaluation of imine-containing heterocyclic and acyclic compounds with special focus on their bioactivity against parasitic protozoans (P. falciparum and T. brucei) - given the context of drug resistance in the treatment of malaria and Human African sleeping sickness and the fact that several bioactive organic compounds have been reported to possess the imino group. Starting from 2-aminopyridine, novel #-alkylated-5-bromo-7-azabenzimidazoles and substituted 5-bromo-1-(carbamoylmethy)-7-azabenzimidazole derivatives were prepared, and their bioactivity against parasitic protozoans was assessed. NMR spectra of the substituted 5- bromo-1-(carbamoylmethy)-7-azabenzimidazole derivatives exhibited rotational isomerism, and a dynamic NMR study was used in the estimation of the rate constants and the free- energies of activation for rotation. The free-energy differences between the two rotamers were determined and the more stable conformations were predicted. Novel 2-phenyl-7-azabenzimidazoles were also synthesised from 2-aminopyridine. A convenient method for the regioselective formylation of 2,3-diaminopyridines into 2-amino- 7-(benzylimino)pyridine analogues of 2-phenyl-7-azabenzimidazole was developed, and some of the resulting imino derivatives were hydrogenated to verify the importance of the imino moiety for bioactivity. The 2-phenyl-7-azabenzimidazoles and the 2-amino-7- (benzylimino)pyridine analogues were screened for their anti-protozoal activity and their cytotoxicity level was determined against the HeLa cell line. In order to validate the importance of the pyridine moiety, novel #-(phenyl)-2- hydroxybenzylimines, #-(benzyl)-2-hydroxybenzylimines and (±)-trans-1,2-bis[2- hydroxybenzylimino]cyclohexanes were also synthesized and screened for activity against the parasitic protozoans and for cytotoxicity against the HeLa cell line. The biological assay results indicated that these compounds are not significantly cytotoxic and a good number of them show potential as lead compounds for the development of new malaria and trypanosomiasis drugs. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Chemistry, 2018
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- Date Issued: 2018
Exploring the relationship between intergroup contact and anti-gay prejudice amongst heterosexual South African students
- Authors: De Beer, Hannari
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Intergroup relations -- South Africa -- Students , Prejudices -- South Africa -- Psychological aspects -- Students Stereotypes (Social psychology) -- South Africa -- Students Homosexuality -- South Africa -- Psychological aspects -- Students Interpersonal relations -- South Africa -- Students
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/21972 , vital:29808
- Description: Throughout history gay men have experienced oppression in the form of harassment, violence and discrimination and in South Africa it is no different (Brouard et al., 2016; OUT, 2016). According to the contact hypothesis, intergroup contact has shown to be one of the most successful ways to reduce prejudice and improve attitudes towards an outgroup (i.e. a group that you do not identify yourself with; Allport, 1954; Pettigrew & Tropp, 2006). Therefore, this study investigated whether positive intergroup contact plays a role in improving attitudes, and lessening prejudice towards gay men in South Africa by exploring the relationship between intergroup contact with gay men amongst heterosexual South African students and anti-gay prejudice. Furthermore, this study aimed to get a better understanding of how this process operates by exploring whether two affective mediators, namely intergroup anxiety and empathy, mediates the contact-prejudice relationship. A quantitative, cross-sectional research design was used where participants completed an online questionnaire (N = 125). The findings from the present study indicate that contact with gay men amongst heterosexual students at a South African University positively and significantly predicted more positive attitudes towards gay men in general. Moreover, the results show that decreased intergroup anxiety and increased intergroup empathy fully mediates the relationship between intergroup contact and anti-gay prejudice. This research contributes to the body of contact literature in South Africa and could offer practical means for interventions that aim to reduce prejudice and improve attitudes towards gay men.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Exploring the role of social work intervention in empowering victims of crime : a case study of Alice community in Alice
- Authors: Njongi, Ayanda Griffiths
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Victims of crimes--South Africa Victims of crimes--Services for
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , Social Work
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/15276 , vital:40333
- Description: The aim of the study is to explore the role of social work intervention in empowering victims of crime in the Alice community. The study used a qualitative research design to collect data from nineteen (19) participants. The findings revealed that people living in rural areas are vulnerable because they do not get the necessary support from the government, social workers and other professional bodies. Yet the role played by social workers to assist victims of crime is not enough because they are few and they do not have enough resources to execute their work. The study reveals that most of the victims of crime were females, others were employed and few of them were unemployed. The study recommends that policy makers need to evaluate the overall impact of different criminal activities by measuring the extent to which dependence changes as policies are changed. Debates should be centred on a discussion of how to design better programs in order to achieve the developmental objectives since it is evident that criminal activities grow day-by-day in South Africa. The study concludes that the researcher hopes that the objectives were adequately handled as they attempted as much as possible to address the possible implications associated with victimisation.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Exploring the standardization of musical and dancing styles in relation to worship styles in the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, Blantyre Synod, Malawi
- Authors: University of Fort Hare
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Presbyterian Church -- Malawi Presbyterians -- Malawi Church music -- Malawi
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , Music
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/10442 , vital:35468
- Description: The study sought to explore the standardization of music and dance styles in relation to worship styles in the CCAP Blantyre Synod in Malawi. The study further sought to understand the factors that influence the selection of songs during worship, and strategies for standardizing the existing songs in the church. The research was guided by the qualitative research approach. The interpretive research paradigm guided the interpretation of data in this study. A case study research design was used to get an in- depth understanding of the issues related to music and dance in the CCAP. The participants were purposively selected and interviews were conducted. Focus group interviews and observation supplemented the data collected through one on one interviews. Data analysis was achieved through a detailed narration of the participants‟ responses and, thereafter, themes were identified for further discussion. The main findings of the study were: factors influencing selection of music during worship services; lack or availability of music selection guidelines; age of choir members; commercialization and instrumentation of music; the use of traditional and classical music in the church; mixed dancing styles being introduced in the church; and the suggestion to use the Bible as framework for resolving conflicts in the church; and the need to train church members on church music. The study recommends the use of detailed and appropriate music guidelines in selecting songs. In cases of conflicting tastes in music, the study has proposed a process of resolving such conflicts within the CCAP of Blantyre Synod. The study also examined music and dance styles but not on other aspects of worship such as prayer and offering. The findings of this study may be useful in advising and resolving challenges associated with the incorporation of music in the church.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Exploring women's experience of fundal pressure during the second stage of labour
- Authors: Okafor, Uchenna Benedine
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Labor (Obstetrics) Childbirth
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , Magister of Curationis
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/15532 , vital:40424
- Description: Background and Aim: Despite the use of fundal pressure globally, there is a scarcity of information available on how women experience the application of uterine fundal pressure (UFP) during the second stage of labour. The aim of study was to explore the experiences of women concerning UFP application during the second stage of labour. Understanding women’s perception about UFP is important in informing the generation of new ideas to improve on the application of UFP for better outcomes. Methods: This was a qualitative, interpretive, and phenomenological analysis designed to explore the experiences of women regarding the application of UFP during the second stage of labour. Hermeneutics was applied to interpret the participants’ descriptions of their experiences as they tried to make sense of their exposure to UFP; bearing this in mind, the participants’ own interpretation was not distorted. The researcher immersed herself in each transcript, in order to make sense of each participant’s experiences and to gain a sense of what the participant had experienced during UFP application. Each interview was transcribed and analysed independently; and the convergences and divergences of themes were identified without losing the original meaning of each participant’s description before moving on to the subsequent interviews. The target population was women who had had UFP during second stage of labour. A purposive sampling method was used to select three women who were admitted to the DVDHMOU during the research period and who met the inclusion criteria. Information was collected through individual face-to-face interviews and semi-structured interview guide. The principal question was framed as: “Can you please share with me how you felt when the midwives pushed on your tummy to get the baby out”? An audio tape was used to record the interviews, and a notepad was used to make notes of gestures such smiles or other facial expressions. After each interview, the recorded interview was transferred onto a laptop and a file was opened for the interviewee, identified by a pseudonym. The interviews were transcribed verbatim as Word documents. Trustworthiness was maintained by applying the principles of credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability. Ethical approval was granted by the Ethical Committee of the University of Fort Hare. Permission to conduct the study was sought from the Eastern Cape Research Committee and Buffalo City Metropolitan Health District. Informed consent was obtained from the participants prior to data collection. Each interview was analysed separately after completion. Data was analysed using thematic content analysis applicable to interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) studies using six steps: reading and re-reading; initial noting; developing emergent themes; searching for connections across the emergent themes; moving to the next case; and lastly, looking for patterns across cases. Findings: The findings of this study indicated that the informants had feelings of fear, loneliness, worry and tearfulness; but also happiness associated with UFP during second stage of labour. They were also worried and expressed fear and anxiety concerning their infants; and their ability to give birth increased as they get tired in the process of pushing during UFP application. However, seeing their infants for the first time took most of the worries away, and all informants expressed relief when the birthing process was over. They also felt that their birthing experience was a very painful event; and were left alone, and they had not been given anything to drink or eat during labour. Midwives threatened them that their inability to pushing appropriately, could cause the death of their infants, leaving them with feelings of guilt and despair when their babies did not cry directly after birth. The findings demonstrated that midwives did not properly inform women what to expect during the second stage of their labour, whilst the midwives expected birthing mothers to know what was happening to them and how to react. Women in labour therefore depended almost entirely on information received from family members, and went into labour with preconceived ideas about labour pain. Although women do experience pain during the second stage of labour, the application UFP increased their pain. Four main themes emerged from the analysis, which are: perceived severity of UFP pain,emotional/physical reaction to UFP pain, perceptions of UFP and perception of midwives care and treatment. Conclusion: The uterine fundal pressure is not a pleasant experience for the women in the second stage of labour. Labouring women experienced pain, fear, and anxiety. However, they felt a sense of happiness after delivery. Before the application of UFP during the second stage of labour, midwives should explain to women the process of UFP application and what they can expect to happen; and where possible, and after explaining the procedure, midwives should get written permission before they apply the intervention during labour.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Extended and Continuous Decline in Effective Population Size Results in Low Genomic Diversity in the World’s Rarest Hyena Species, the Brown Hyena
- Authors: Westbury, Michael V , Hartmann, Stefanie , Barlow, Axel , Wiesel, Ingrid , Leo, Viyanna , Welch, Rebecca J , Parker, Daniel M , Sicks, Florian , Ludwig, Arne , Dalén, Love , Hofreiter, Michael
- Date: 2018
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/124482 , vital:35616 , https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msy037
- Description: Hyenas (family Hyaenidae), as the sister group to cats (family Felidae), represent a deeply diverging branch within the cat-like carnivores (Feliformia). With an estimated population size of < 10,000 individuals worldwide, the brown hyena (Parahyaena brunnea) represents the rarest of the four extant hyena species and has been listed as Near Threatened by the IUCN. Here, we report a high-coverage genome from a captive bred brown hyena and both mitochondrial and low coverage nuclear genomes of 14 wild-caught brown hyena individuals from across southern Africa.We find that brown hyena harbor extremely low genetic diversity on both the mitochondrial and nuclear level, most likely resulting from a continuous and ongoing decline in effective population size that started_1Ma and dramatically accelerated towards the end of the Pleistocene. Despite the strikingly low genetic diversity, we find no evidence of inbreeding within the captive bred individual and reveal phylogeographic structure, suggesting the existence of several potential subpopulations within the species.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Extending functionality and knowledge transfer of the Water Quality Systems Assessment Model
- Authors: Slaughter, Andrew R , Gwapedza, David , Mantel, Sukhmani K , Hughes, Denis A , Griffin, Neil J
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , report
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/438115 , vital:73436 , ISBN 978-0-6392-0059-0 , https://wrcwebsite.azurewebsites.net/wp-content/uploads/mdocs/2448_final.pdf
- Description: This report has been generated by the Water Research Commission (WRC) funded project Developing Climate Change Adaptation Measures and Decision-Support System for Selected South African Water Boards (Project No. K5/2018).
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- Date Issued: 2018
Extending the NFComms framework for bulk data transfers
- Authors: Pennefather, Sean , Bradshaw, Karen L , Irwin, Barry V W
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/430152 , vital:72669 , https://doi.org/10.1145/3278681.3278686
- Description: In this paper we present the design and implementation of an indirect messaging extension for the existing NFComms framework that pro-vides communication between a network flow processor and host CPU. This extension addresses the bulk throughput limitations of the frame-work and is intended to work in conjunction with existing communication mediums. Testing of the framework extensions shows an increase in throughput performance of up to 300× that of the current direct mes-sage passing framework at the cost of increased single message laten-cy of up to 2×. This trade-off is considered acceptable as the proposed extensions are intended for bulk data transfer only while the existing message passing functionality of the framework is preserved and can be used in situations where low latency is required for small messages.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Extraction and characterization of antimicrobial compounds from selected marine invertebrates collected from Phillip's Reef, Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa
- Authors: Kibungu, Cuthbert Wasswa
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Invertebrates Bioactive compounds Anti-infective agents
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , Microbiology
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/11751 , vital:39103
- Description: Introduction: The marine environment is rich in the biodiversity of medically significant invertebrate species such as sponges, ascidians, molluscs and bryozoans. Such a diverse environment is a potential source of a great variety of secondary metabolite production. Research in marine natural product discovery is gaining ground with the development of new therapeutic drugs of antimicrobial potential. Aim: This study seeks to evaluate, and identify bioactive compounds obtained from marine invertebrates collected from Phillip’s Reef in Algoa Bay. Methodology: Marine invertebrates were collected from the Phillip’s Reef in Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth, at a depth of 12 m and the physichochemical parameters at the site of sample collection were recorded onsite. Sampling was done once over the four seasons in South Africa. Sections of each specimen were sent for identification, and extraction of compounds was done using organic solvents [methanol (95percent), hexane (95percent), petroleum ether (95percent), chloroform (95percent) and ethyl acetate (95percent)]. A ratio of 95percent the respective solvents was achieved by the following (1:19), organic solvent combinations [dichloromethane: methanol (1:1), hexane: chloroform: methanol (1:2:1)] and aqueous solution of water. Solvent optimization was done by measuring the absorbance of S. aureus (ATCC 49476) in Mueller Hinton Broth containing crude extracts at 600 nm. The appropriate solvent was then selected for further extraction of bioactive compounds from the specimens. Antimicrobial activity of the crude extracts was evaluated using the standard agar well diffusion method on test pathogens, namely, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 49476), clostridium difficile (ATCC 9689), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 10145), Candida albicans (ATCC 10231) and Aspergillus fumigatus (ATCC 204305). Different concentrations of the crude extracts were used [100percent, 80percent, 60percent, 40percent and 30percent (v:v)] and the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) were determined. Selected bioactive crude extracts were further evaluated for phytochemicals before being purified by subjecting them to Sephadex-G75 column chromatography, using 75percent ethyl acetate as the mobile phase. Bioactive crude extracts fractions obtained following column chromatography were subjected to Electron Spray Ionization Time of Flight (ESI-TOF) analysis using The Bruker Daltonics maXis compact ESI Quadrupole TOF instrument to detect and identify compounds present. Peak identification was done using the blast software contained in Open Chrom Community Edition (Alder), open source software for chromatography and mass spectrometry spectrum analysis. Results: Sixty-seven different marine invertebrate species were collected over the 4 seasons. A mean temperature of 17.35oC ± 2.06 was recorded over all four seasons with the Autumn exhibiting the highest temperature (20oC). Salinity readings obtained ranged between 35.12 psu and 35.27 psu. A stable mean pH range of 8.08–8.78 was also recorded across all four seasons. Salinity and pH readings conformed to the standards set by the South African Water Quality Guidelines. The Spring season exhibited the highest turbidity of 2.97 NTU compared to other seasons. Ethyl acetate and dichloromethane: methanol (1:1) extracts yielded the best inhibitory results. Approximately 60percent (4/67) of the marine invertebrate specimens showed bioactivity against some of the test pathogens. Both ethyl acetate and dichloromethane methanol crude extracts of S14 and S34 showed a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity against both bacteria and fungi. The C6 ethyl acetate crude extracts were highly active against MRSA, as inhibition zones of 45 mm were observed. MIC at 30percent concentrations was observed for very few crude extracts against the five pathogens. Sixty-three ethyl acetate crude extracts contained phytochemicals while only 35 dichloromethane: methanol crude extracts contained phytochemicals. Neither ethyl acetate and dichloromethane: methanol crude extracts of S34 (Psammopsinia sp. 1) that were biologically active had any phytochemicals. Canadine, Ginkolide A, Apigenin, Amygdalin, 10-hydroxy-Camptothecin, Catechin, Beta-Peltatin and 6 Ethoxy-3(4'-hydroxyphenyl)-4-methylcoumarin were identified in the crude extracts. Conclusion: Marine invertebrate species located at Phillip’s Reef produce compounds with antimicrobial potential. These compounds are biologically active against human pathogenic microorganisms. The best solvent to use for the extraction of these biologically significant metabolites is ethyl acetate, as this study achieved outstanding results from ethyl acetate crude extracts in the form of high zones of inhibition, for example the sponge Ectyonopsis flabellate, which exhibited mean inhibition zones of 45 mm against Aspergillus fumigatus. Similar bioactivity was also observed with Tedania (Tedania) Stylonychaeta against Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. This is the first study done on some of the marine sponges and ascidians in the Phillip’s Reef, and therefore further evaluation of the purified compounds is necessary in order to obtain the identity of the pure compounds and possibly determine the mechanism of action, and synthesize structural analogues for further studies.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Extraction of diallyl sulfides and other similar compounds from tulbaghia violacea, a South African plant, for potential use as devulcanizing agents
- Authors: Sonti, Thembela Celia
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Violaceae -- South Africa , Plant extracts Plant products Traditional medicine
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/23338 , vital:30533
- Description: Tulbaghia violacea is a plant that is commonly used for traditional medicine in the Eastern Cape and Kwa-Zulu Natal Provinces of South Africa for treatment of ailments, such as fever, colds, asthma, tuberculosis, stomach-ache and cancer of the oesophagus. This plant has been found to be rich in sulfur-containing compounds that may display good potential as devulcanizing agents. Commonly used chemical devulcanizing agents are disulfides, such as diphenyl disulfide. These have been found to be relatively expensive compared to other methods of devulcanization. This study aimed to show that the sulfur- containing compounds extracted from the readily available Tulbaghia violacea plant can be used as devulcanizing agents. The presence of sulfur-containing compounds in the plant was positively identified by qualitative phytochemical analysis. Extraction of sulfur-containing compounds from the bulk plant material was successfully performed using the Soxhlet extraction method with a 2% 2-propanol in n-hexane solvent mixture. There was a positive identification of sulfur compounds in the crude extracts of the bulbs, roots and leaves. Diallyl disulfides (DADS) extracted from the plant were successfully quantified using normal phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that in a bulb crude extract of 9.89 mg/mL concentration, there was 7.74X10-2 mg/mL concentration of DADS. In the roots crude extract of 10.26 mg/mL concentration, there was 2.93X10-2 mg/mL concentration of DADS; and in leaves crude extract of 10.47 mg/mL concentration, there was 3.69X10-2 mg/mL concentration of DADS. The crude extracts were evaluated for their effectiveness as devulcanizing agents by reacting them with vulcanized 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene (TME), which was used as a model compound. A reverse phase HPLC method was used to identify crosslink species formed during vulcanization, and to monitor the broken crosslinks during devulcanization. It was observed that the di- and polysulfidic crosslinked vulcanized model compound species were not present in the devulcanized product. Furthermore monosulfidic crosslink species, a common end species of devulcanization, were observed to increase in concentration from the HPLC chromatograms. It was observed that the extracts from the bulbs and leaves of Tulbaghia violacea were more effective than the extract from the roots when applied to the vulcanized model compound. This study demonstrates that Tulbaghia violacea can be used as alternatives to petroleum-derived chemicals as devulcanizing agents.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Facilities management awareness amongst high school learners and teachers in the Soutpansberg west circuit in the Limpopo province
- Authors: Nephawe, Tshilidzi
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Facility management -- South Africa -- Limpopo , Facility management -- Research Construction industry -- Forecasting -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/32894 , vital:32395
- Description: The Facilities Management (FM) profession in South Africa needs to start recognising and acknowledging the importance of formal education amongst the population. The question of FM being a career normally receives shallow responses; and it sometimes leads to a contradiction. The FM profession seems to be taking an ‘as it is’ approach, when it comes to the establishment of an education agenda; since there is no clear evidence regarding alignment and transition from high school to tertiary level, and then to the workplace. The level of awareness plays a significant role in all elements of FM practice. Even at the present moment, FM is still not a career of choice, meaning that anyone can be a facilities manager. There are parts of South Africa where the population is unaware of FM. Some had never heard about it at all. It was important to establish the level of awareness: with the intention of developing a critical awareness of FM as a career path amongst high school learners and teachers in the Soutpansberg West Circuit, in order to inform them of a possible career choice in FM. In this study, a mixed-model research methodology was used, which combines both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. A population was identified from which a sample of 14 high schools, 87 high school teachers and 2 299 high school learners was drawn. A ‘fit for purpose’ questionnaire was distributed to the participants. The data were collected by means of a survey. It focused on a survey; and it used a questionnaire that was composed of multiple closed-ended or quantitative-type items, as well as several open-ended or qualitative-type items. Thematic analysis was used for the open-ended questions. This study has successfully managed to determine the awareness levels of high school learners and teachers relating to FM, the need for FM awareness in high schools; and whether there were high school learners who wished to become facilities managers in the future. FM companies, tertiary institutions, and high schools must collaborate in the development of the FM career-guidance programme, in order to increase awareness amongst the teachers and learners. There were students who indicated that they were interested in FM as their career of choice.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Factors affecting adherence to antiretroviral therapy among pregnant women in theEastern Cape, South Africa
- Authors: Adeola, H A , Adeniyi, Oladele Vincent , Ajayi, Anthony Idowu , Goon, Daniel Ter , Owolabi, Eyitayo Omolara , Eboh, Alfred , Lambert, John
- Date: 2018
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/11260/5272 , vital:44427 , https://neuro.unboundmedicine.com/medline/citation/29653510/Factors_affecting_adherence_to_antiretroviral_therapy_among_pregnant_women_in_the_Eastern_Cape_South_Africa_
- Description: Background:Context-specific factors influence adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) among pregnant womenliving with HIV. Gaps exist in the understanding of the reasons for the variable outcomes of the prevention ofmother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programme at the health facility level in South Africa. This study examinedadherence levels and reasons for non-adherence during pregnancy in a cohort of parturient women enrolled in thePMTCT programme in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.Methods:This was a mixed-methods study involving 1709 parturient women in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Weconducted a multi-centre retrospective analysis of the mother-infant pair in the PMTCT electronic database in 2016.Semi-structured interviews of purposively selected parturient women with self-reported poor adherence (n= 177)were conducted to gain understanding of the main barriers to adherence. Binary logistic regression was used todetermine the independent predictors of ART non-adherence.Results:A high proportion (69.0%) of women reported perfect adherence. In the logistic regression analysis, afteradjusting for confounding factors, marital status, cigarette smoking, alcohol use and non-disclosure to a family memberwere the independent predictors of non-adherence. Analysis of the qualitative data revealed that drug-related side-effects, being away from home, forgetfulness, non-disclosure, stigma and work-related demand were among the mainreasons for non-adherence to ART.Conclusions:Non-adherence to the antiretroviral therapy among pregnant women in this setting is associated withlifestyle behaviours, HIV-related stigma and ART side-effects. In order to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV,clinicians need to screen for these factors at every antenatal clinic visit.Keywords:Adherence, Non-adherence, HIV, Antiretroviral therapy, Elimination of mother-to-child transmission,Prevention of mother-to-child transmission, Stigma, South Africa
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- Date Issued: 2018
Factors affecting effective ecological restoration of Portulacaria afra (spekboom)-rich subtropical thicket and aboveground carbon endpoint projections
- Authors: Van der Vyver, Marius Lodewyk
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Restoration ecology , Plant conservation -- South Africa Portulacaria afra -- South Africa Shrubs -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DPhil
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/23250 , vital:30468
- Description: Among the requirements to achieve effective ecological restoration on a landscape scale are a scientific underpinning, strong adaptive management and the setting of realistic endpoints. Efficacy and success depend on a complex interplay of factors of both local and regional influence. Biome-wide restoration experiments are rare, but valuable for evaluating efficacy of different protocols according to local context. The Thicket-wide Plot (TWP) experiment was initiated by the Subtropical Thicket Restoration Programme to inform landscape-scale ecological restoration of degraded Portulacaria afra (spekboom)-rich Subtropical Thicket. Thirteen different planting treatments of Portulacaria afra (spekboom) truncheons were planted as replicated rows on 0.25 ha fenced plots across the distribution range of spekboom-rich thicket habitat to better establish effective restoration protocols. I used a rule-based learning ensemble algorithm to evaluate 60 different predictors that potentially impact effective restoration, covering a range of climatic, topographic, edaphic, ecological and management related factors observed at 227 of these TWP plots. Percentage survivorship and aboveground biomass carbon sequestration rate (ABCsr) were taken as proxies for efficacy derived from subsequent monitoring data gathered 2 - 5 years after establishment, and a new allometric model I developed for spekboom. I found herbivory and identification of target habitat the two most important predictors of restoration efficacy, both well within the control of the practitioner. Highest survivorship and ABCsr were associated with larger truncheons planted deeper. The only exception to this pattern was found amongst the two smallest size truncheon categories. The application of external rooting hormone or watering treatment to truncheons were found of no significance to effective restoration, while all the pruned treatments were, in association with lesser planting depth, found to be significantly less effective than untreated truncheons planted deeper. When the restoration protocol is optimal (largest truncheons planted deepest in target habitats and protected from herbivory), my results show higher annual carbon sequestration rates (1.46 - 3.7 t C ha−1 yr−1 in aboveground biomass) than most older restoration sites that have been identified as benchmarks of success. In order to project ABC endpoints, I generated 40 new species-specific allometric models and used them to estimate biomass and carbon of intact and degraded stands on five sites spread out across the region. The highest AGC for stands in both intact and degraded states were estimated at 42.96 t Cha−1 and 12.98 t C ha−1 respectively, and the lowest at 26.32 t C ha−1 and 2.52 t C ha−1. Large canopy dominant (LCD) species contributed the largest AGC portion at three intact stands. The second largest portion was recorded for spekboom. The difference between paired stands on each sample site ranged between 23.8 and 32.8 t C ha−1, which provide a realistic target for biome-wide restoration that, when adopted together with current protocols, may be reached within three decades of inception.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Factors affecting female students studying engineering at a higher education institution
- Authors: Boshoff, Hildegarde
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Women in engineering -- South Africa , Women -- Education (Graduate) -- South Africa Sex discrimination in education -- South Africa South Africa -- Education (Higher)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/21746 , vital:29745
- Description: Engineering is of vital importance for humankind. Engineering combines the fields of mathematics and science, including engineering science and technology, in order to solve problems in the real world and in order to improve the society and economies of countries. It includes the ability to implement ideas in a cost effective and practical manner. Some of these solutions may include sustainability, needs of society, necessary risks and protection of the environment. Engineers develop ideas by using production of technology in order to improve the living of humankind. This includes designing and manufacturing different products based on customer needs and expectations. Although a field in engineering is largely a male-dominated career, women are becoming more interested in this career, compared to a few years ago. The problem remains that female students are still in the minority compared to their male counterparts studying engineering. Therefore, universities need to find solutions to attract female students towards engineering. There are various reasons why female students choose to study engineering, which include different influences, encouragements and their perception towards the Faculty and the academic staff. Thus, the purpose of the research study is to identify the reasons for both genders, currently studying engineering at Nelson Mandela University, formally known as Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU), why they chose to study engineering, what influenced their studies, their encouragements or discouragements and overall perception and experience while studying engineering. The main focus will be on female students. This research study was an exploratory, mixed method study, which contains literature studies, surveys and cross-sectional studies. A literature study was compiled by using secondary sources in order to identify the importance of engineering internationally and within South Africa, women in the workplace and female students studying towards engineering. The empirical study, which consisted of a survey, was compiled and distributed to all Nelson Mandela University undergraduate students studying towards an engineering qualification. Respondents were asked various questions regarding pre-studies and their perceptions and experiences during their studies. This includes their experience with the academic staff and the Faculty of Engineering in general. For the analysis of the data, both Descriptive and Inferential Statistical methods were used. Some of the findings from the research study include that both genders develop an interest for engineering at a young age (between ages 13 – 18). Therefore, an interest is developed during high school level. Both genders choose to study engineering for the same reasons. The interest for choosing a career for both genders was triggered by a qualified engineer’s influence. During high school, female students take part in science, mathematics and engineering programmes and participate in competitions or contests. Both gender’s science, mathematics and engineering abilities increased since they started their studies at a higher education institution. From the findings, both genders indicated that they have a high level of interest in engineering, they are satisfied with their choice of engineering field and they are committed to complete their engineering qualification. Both genders are confident that they will find employment in engineering that pays well. Female students believe that they are better at problem solving activities, they are more committed to their studies, they work better with other people and they are more confident in their engineering abilities compared to the male counterparts. The findings also include that during their studies, both genders receive encouragement from various factors, but the significant source of encouragement for both genders are their mothers and employment opportunities. Whereas the most significant source of discouragement for both genders are their grades or academic performance and the amount of time required for engineering. Both genders receive equal quality in lecturing throughout their studies and the academic staff do not treat female students different from male students. It is also significant that female students receive support from the Faculty of Engineering. Female students will definitely encourage other females to study towards a field in engineering and find the academic staff approachable. Academic staff does give regular feedback to students regarding their academic performance. Therefore both genders know at all-time their academic performance and therefore will be able to improve their results. There are not enough female lecturers within the Engineering Department. Female lecturers serve as role models for female students. Therefore, the University’s management team needs to investigate this matter. The research study concluded with recommendations and considerations, contribution towards the body of knowledge, future research and the limitations of the study. Furthermore, the study offers an understanding of engineering students at Nelson Mandela University, which includes their current overall experience during their studies. The treatise will therefore assist the readers and especially Nelson Mandela University to attract and retain female students by addressing their challenges they experience during their studies.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Factors affecting patient perceptions of service delivery in Postmasburg Hospital in the Z.F. McGawu District, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
- Authors: Rakumakoe, Jacob Mogapi Chocky
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Public health -- South Africa -- Northern Cape Medical care -- South Africa -- Northern Cape Health services accessibility
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPH
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/17805 , vital:41262
- Description: Background: There is a requirement to provide proper and safe quality service to patients, hence a view from patients was deemed important as it can help the hospital to improve services rendered to them. There were two Provincial assessments done on National Core Standards in Postmasburg Hospital (overall scores were 32percent in 2013 and 48percent in 2014) and on both occasions, the Hospital failed to comply with the assessments and the implication were a suspected negative impact on the Hospital service delivery. The repercussions could be that the hospital might not be certified or not funded through National Health Insurance following a national assessment if the status quo remains. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe the factors affecting patients’ perceptions of service delivery in order to inform health policy decisions to improve service delivery. Methodology: A quantitative descriptive design was used to collect data on 133 adult patients admitted for a minimum of three days in the different hospital wards. Participants were administered a structured pre-tested questionnaire to collect data relating to their employment status, the number of hospital admissions and the reason for hospital admission. Results: About 41.4percent of participants were neutral or not sure whether the nurses/doctors came often to the ward where they were admitted. The majority (51.9percent) were neutral or not sure whether the quality of food in the hospital was good; 53.4percent expressed uncertainty concerning the adequacy of benches/chairs in the hospital for patients to sit while waiting to be seen by the health worker; and 55.6percent participants were neural or not sure whether the ward/room had enough space for consulting. Asked whether the hospital was user-friendly to disabled persons, 53.4percent participants were not sure. About 43.6percent participants expressed uncertainty regarding the registration satisfactory nature of the procedures in the hospital; the water cleanliness for patients in the hospital (42.1percent); whether their privacy was respected by all the staff within the hospital (51.9percent); permission to be examined and treated (51.1percent); the nurse/doctor who treated them being polite (53.4percent); and the nurse/doctor who treated them being able to answer all their questions about their illness (56.8percent). On whether they will visit the hospital again, 49.6percent participants were uncertain. The majority (69.7percent) agreed that all prescribed medicine was available in the hospital; the staff explained to them on how to use the medicine/pills (67percent); and they were told on how to store their pills/medication (47percent). Gender, education and employment status of the participants affect exactly one dimension each. Females, those with secondary education and employed were more satisfied on the respective dimensions. Conclusion: Patient involvement is an essential feature in healthcare services. Patients influence outcome quality through compliance, defining the right symptoms and physically experiencing treatment. Patient perceptions and satisfaction with service delivery is a multi-dimensional concept that should be studied by operationalising it within its context. Consequently, a conceptual model to understand and measure patient perception and satisfaction of service delivery and care quality in hospital health care services is proposed.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Factors affecting teachers' attitude towards the implementation of inclusive education
- Authors: Zukani, Ncediswa Millicent
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Inclusive education Mainstreaming in education -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , (MEd) Education
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/10094 , vital:35336
- Description: This study is a quantitative study done in selected schools on teachers’ attitudes towards the implementation of inclusive education. Despite efforts to ensure quality education for all learners through inclusive education in South Africa, indications are that many learners, especially those who experience barriers to learning, are still excluded from full access to quality and equitable education opportunities in mainstream schools. Research has shown that the success of inclusive education depends upon teachers’ attitudes. It also shows that attitudes can hinder the progress of the implementation of inclusive education. The paper draws on White Paper 6 which speaks to inclusion of children with disabilities in schools. As the legislative and policy framework for the implementation of inclusive education, White Paper 6 states that “a public school must admit learners and serve their educational requirements without unfairly discriminating in any way”. The study is framed by Ajzen’s theory of planned behaviour, which suggests that an attitude towards behaviour is influenced by past experiences, previous knowledge and newly acquired knowledge. The study reflects findings from a questionnaire circulated to 75 teachers at three selected high schools, using descriptive statistics to analyse the data. Findings showed that there is no relationship between attitudes based on factors, including class size, years of experience, inadequate resource, and lack of adequate training but the main negative influence was found to be lack of support in implementing inclusive education. The conclusion is that there is no relationship between attitudes and the factors identified except lack of support. This research concludes with recommendations to address teachers’ attitudes in order to facilitate the inclusion of learners with special needs in the classroom.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Factors affecting the career advancement of black women in a selected manufacturing firm in Gauteng
- Authors: Netnou, Zola Nomzamo Joan
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Women in the professions -- South Africa -- Gauteng , Career development , Women -- Employment -- Economical aspects , Sex role in the work environment , Sexual division of labor
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/33578 , vital:32889
- Description: Career advancement is viewed as an important element of job satisfaction and employee retention, however the gender differences observed in the workplace globally mean that there is gender inequality even in career growth. With South Africa’s long history of discrimination, career advancement disparities are observed along racial and gender lines. The current study’s focus is on the factors affecting the career advancement of a group of black women working for a selected manufacturing firm in Gauteng. The study highlights the importance of both the individual and the organisation in driving career advancement and asserts that there are self-driven and employer-driven factors affecting the career growth of black women employed by the selected firm. The primary objective of this study was to investigate and analyse factors affecting the career advancement of South African black African women (hereafter referred to as black women) employed by the manufacturing company. After a comprehensive literature study, three self-driven factors (pre-career choices, career capital development and attitude towards gender discrimination) and three employer-driven factors (mentorship opportunities, organisational leadership and organisational culture) were identified as factors affecting career advancement. These were subsequently empirically tested. A quantitative research paradigm was adopted for this study. The sample chosen was the entire population of black women employed by the business in question. Using the survey research method, a structured questionnaire was distributed resulting in an 85% response rate. Cronbach’s alpha was employed to test the reliability or internal consistency of the research instruments, resulting in the minimum acceptable level of 0.70 being met. The data collected were subjected to statistical analyses using simple regression analysis, one-factor Anova and descriptive statistics. The simple regression analysis revealed that pre-career choices had a statistically significant positive influence on career advancement. Furthermore, the findings suggest a link between education and employability, as the majority of the respondents (53%) possessed tertiary qualifications. Although no empirical evidence was found to support the influence of the other five factors on career advancement, the use of descriptive statistics revealed clear differences brought about by variations in education, such as the significantly higher levels of career capital for respondents with post-graduate qualifications in comparison to the total sample. The findings of this study informed the recommendations made to promote the career advancement of the black women employed by the selected firm. These were recommendations for individuals to enhance their career capital through education and the pursuit of career goals, and for the organisation to support career development with a conducive environment that values all employees and affords them equal opportunities for growth.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Factors contributing to low supervision rate in Ugu District primary healthcare clinics
- Authors: Mkhize, Ntokozo Clarice
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Mentoring in medicine http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh98003695 , Mentoring in nursing http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh92002828 , Public health personnel--Supervision of
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/19534 , vital:43136
- Description: Among the threats, barriers and challenges impeding access to health services in developing countries, Primary Healthcare Supervision was reported as a critical link with complex interventions that are implemented in different ways (Bosch-Capblanch & Garner, 2008:369). Among the objectives of the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health Policy for PHC Supervision; are increasing the PHC Supervision rate from 60 percent to 85 percent; improvement of community participation and inter-sectoral collaboration to achieve improved health services in all health clinics in the Province of KwaZuluNatal (KZN Department of Health PHC Supervision Policy, 2010:9). However, currently there is no policy guiding the PHC Supervision processes in the province albeit an adapted policy document from the National Health Department and set of supervision tools are used to date. It is therefore critical to examine the strength and weaknesses of the current adapted guidelines for PHC Supervision processes including the reasons for the current low PHC Supervision rate in the province. , Thesis (MPH) -- University of Fort Hare, 2018
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- Date Issued: 2018