The structure of aliphatic amine adducts of uranyl acetylacetonate. IV. Dioxobis(2,4-pentanedionato) mono(2-aminopentan-4-one)uranium(VI)
- Rodgers, A L, Nassimbeni, L R, Pauptit, R A, Orpen, G, Haigh, John M
- Authors: Rodgers, A L , Nassimbeni, L R , Pauptit, R A , Orpen, G , Haigh, John M
- Date: 1977
- Language: English
- Type: text , Article
- Identifier: vital:6420 ,
- Description: Introduction: We have shown in three earlier determinations of aliphatic amine adducts of U02(AA)2 (part I: Haigh, Nassimbeni, Pauptit, Rodgers & Sheldrick, 1976; part II: Nassimbeni, Orpen, Pauptit, Rodgers & Haigh, 1977; part III: Rodgers, Nassimbeni & Haigh, 1977) that the conformation of the adduct is dependent on its ability to form hydrogen bonds. The present compound has two H atoms available for hydrogen bonding and may be regarded as the parent of the series.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Rodgers, A L , Nassimbeni, L R , Pauptit, R A , Orpen, G , Haigh, John M
- Date: 1977
- Language: English
- Type: text , Article
- Identifier: vital:6420 ,
- Description: Introduction: We have shown in three earlier determinations of aliphatic amine adducts of U02(AA)2 (part I: Haigh, Nassimbeni, Pauptit, Rodgers & Sheldrick, 1976; part II: Nassimbeni, Orpen, Pauptit, Rodgers & Haigh, 1977; part III: Rodgers, Nassimbeni & Haigh, 1977) that the conformation of the adduct is dependent on its ability to form hydrogen bonds. The present compound has two H atoms available for hydrogen bonding and may be regarded as the parent of the series.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1977
The structure of aliphatic amine adducts of uranyl acetylacetonate. I. Dioxobis(2,4-pentanedionato)mono (2-N-methylaminopentan-4-one)uranium(VI)
- Haigh, John M, Nassimbeni, Luigi R, Pauptit, Richard A, Rodgers, Allen L, Sheldrick, George M
- Authors: Haigh, John M , Nassimbeni, Luigi R , Pauptit, Richard A , Rodgers, Allen L , Sheldrick, George M
- Date: 1976
- Subjects: Aliphatic amine adducts , Uranyl acetylacetonate
- Language: English
- Type: Article , text
- Identifier: vital:6373 ,
- Description: Crystals of the title compound are monoclinic with a= 8.314 (5), b= 22.723 (9), c= 12.589 (6) A, /3= 123.0 (2t, Z=4, space group P2dc. The structure was determined by Patterson and Fourier methods and refined by full-matrix least squares to a final R of 0.030 for 2043 independent reflexions. The U atom has pentagonal bipyramidal coordination and the N-methylacetylacetoneamine is bonded to U via O. There are two intramolecular N-H. . .0 hydrogen bonds which govern the geometry of the adduct molecule.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1976
- Authors: Haigh, John M , Nassimbeni, Luigi R , Pauptit, Richard A , Rodgers, Allen L , Sheldrick, George M
- Date: 1976
- Subjects: Aliphatic amine adducts , Uranyl acetylacetonate
- Language: English
- Type: Article , text
- Identifier: vital:6373 ,
- Description: Crystals of the title compound are monoclinic with a= 8.314 (5), b= 22.723 (9), c= 12.589 (6) A, /3= 123.0 (2t, Z=4, space group P2dc. The structure was determined by Patterson and Fourier methods and refined by full-matrix least squares to a final R of 0.030 for 2043 independent reflexions. The U atom has pentagonal bipyramidal coordination and the N-methylacetylacetoneamine is bonded to U via O. There are two intramolecular N-H. . .0 hydrogen bonds which govern the geometry of the adduct molecule.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1976
Indigenous plants in public parks and gardens
- Authors: Rycroft, H B
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Plants -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: text , ephemera
- Identifier: , vital:29951
- Description: Extract from The 1957 Conference Report of “Park Administration", in which the then Director of the National Botanical Gardens of South Africa, Professor H B Rycroft, appeals to the inclusion of South African indigenous plants in public parks and gardens.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1957
- Authors: Rycroft, H B
- Date: 1957
- Subjects: Plants -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: text , ephemera
- Identifier: , vital:29951
- Description: Extract from The 1957 Conference Report of “Park Administration", in which the then Director of the National Botanical Gardens of South Africa, Professor H B Rycroft, appeals to the inclusion of South African indigenous plants in public parks and gardens.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1957
No to IMF
- Authors: CANSA
- Date: 19--?
- Subjects: International Monetary Fund , International finance -- Government policy , Economic development -- Political aspects
- Language: eng
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:30655
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 19--?
- Authors: CANSA
- Date: 19--?
- Subjects: International Monetary Fund , International finance -- Government policy , Economic development -- Political aspects
- Language: eng
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:30655
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 19--?
NUMSA Report - Motor industry negotiations
- Authors: NUMSA
- Subjects: NUMSA
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:33707
- Description: Today the bosses can see that workers are standing up for their rights. Their organisations are growing. 230 000 metal workers are united in NUMSA and more than 1 million workers are united in COSATU. The united power of workers have forced the bosses to accept changes to the vicious LRA. The united voice of the oppressed and exploited people have forced the bosses government to unban our organisations. And so the workers voice demanding control over their own lives is growing stronger day by day. The bosses can see that the workers have a plan. That workers are marching along a road which will lead them to victory and freedom. But the bosses too come with their own plan. And the bosses plan is aimed at protecting and increasing their profits and priviledges. The bosses plan is trying to force the workers to walk along the road of deregulation and increased profits for the bosses. This plan is seeking to divide workers and so to break their strength. The bosses plan aims to undermine centralised bargaining. They are scared to face the united power of motor workers. So they try to shift bargaining to plant and company level.
- Full Text:
- Authors: NUMSA
- Subjects: NUMSA
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:33707
- Description: Today the bosses can see that workers are standing up for their rights. Their organisations are growing. 230 000 metal workers are united in NUMSA and more than 1 million workers are united in COSATU. The united power of workers have forced the bosses to accept changes to the vicious LRA. The united voice of the oppressed and exploited people have forced the bosses government to unban our organisations. And so the workers voice demanding control over their own lives is growing stronger day by day. The bosses can see that the workers have a plan. That workers are marching along a road which will lead them to victory and freedom. But the bosses too come with their own plan. And the bosses plan is aimed at protecting and increasing their profits and priviledges. The bosses plan is trying to force the workers to walk along the road of deregulation and increased profits for the bosses. This plan is seeking to divide workers and so to break their strength. The bosses plan aims to undermine centralised bargaining. They are scared to face the united power of motor workers. So they try to shift bargaining to plant and company level.
- Full Text:
NUMSA workers build co-operatives
- Authors: NUMSA
- Subjects: NUMSA
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:33961
- Description: There are two main co-operative activities that are supported by NUMSA. The one is SAWCO in Natal and the other is the project that is starting here in the East Cape. Does NUMSA have a policy on co-operatives? NUMSA in its Central Committee has taken a decision to support co-ops. But NUMSA is still busy thinking of how we can formulate a policy on co-operatives. We are working towards such a policy. So what is NUMSA's aim in giving support to co-ops? In other words, how can organised workers benefit from the support that NUMSA is giving to these co-op activities? Interview with Cde John Gomomo NUMSA East Cape Regional Chairperson We, the organised workers on the shop floor are becoming more and more mobilised and politicised. We do not believe that the struggle should just end on the shop floor. The struggle of organised workers should also benefit the community. Co-operatives is such an activity that can be of interest to all groups of oppressed people. We, the organised workers with all the skills we have gathered in the organisation, we believe that if we take the lead, co-ops could be fully democratised organisations in the community.
- Full Text:
- Authors: NUMSA
- Subjects: NUMSA
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:33961
- Description: There are two main co-operative activities that are supported by NUMSA. The one is SAWCO in Natal and the other is the project that is starting here in the East Cape. Does NUMSA have a policy on co-operatives? NUMSA in its Central Committee has taken a decision to support co-ops. But NUMSA is still busy thinking of how we can formulate a policy on co-operatives. We are working towards such a policy. So what is NUMSA's aim in giving support to co-ops? In other words, how can organised workers benefit from the support that NUMSA is giving to these co-op activities? Interview with Cde John Gomomo NUMSA East Cape Regional Chairperson We, the organised workers on the shop floor are becoming more and more mobilised and politicised. We do not believe that the struggle should just end on the shop floor. The struggle of organised workers should also benefit the community. Co-operatives is such an activity that can be of interest to all groups of oppressed people. We, the organised workers with all the skills we have gathered in the organisation, we believe that if we take the lead, co-ops could be fully democratised organisations in the community.
- Full Text:
Smash the Labour Relations Act
- Authors: COSATU, NACTU
- Subjects: COSATU
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:33263
- Description: The South African state is facing a serious political crisis. Apartheid policies have been decisively rejected by the majority of citizens. The state is only able to retain power by force; by the declaration of the state of emergency, by detentions, by putting the SADF in the townships and by suppressing all opposition. These measures will eventually be defeated. But the state and the ruling class also face a critical economic crisis. This is linked to the political crisis. The capitalist class is trying to solve the economic crisis by squeezing even more profits out of the working class. To do this the capitalist class needs to keep wages down and to replace more and more workers by machines.
- Full Text:
- Authors: COSATU, NACTU
- Subjects: COSATU
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: , vital:33263
- Description: The South African state is facing a serious political crisis. Apartheid policies have been decisively rejected by the majority of citizens. The state is only able to retain power by force; by the declaration of the state of emergency, by detentions, by putting the SADF in the townships and by suppressing all opposition. These measures will eventually be defeated. But the state and the ruling class also face a critical economic crisis. This is linked to the political crisis. The capitalist class is trying to solve the economic crisis by squeezing even more profits out of the working class. To do this the capitalist class needs to keep wages down and to replace more and more workers by machines.
- Full Text:
Utilising new technology to enable sustainable chemical and drug manufacturing in Africa
- Authors: Watts, Paul
- Subjects: Drug development , Pharmacology , f-sa
- Language: English
- Type: text , Lectures
- Identifier: , vital:29426
- Description: Over the last few decades organic chemists have developed highly sophisticated chemical reactions to prepare very complex molecules. The pharmaceutical industry uses the methodology that academics develop within research programmes to manufacture drugs to treat a plethora of medical conditions. When unwell, all citizens expect treatment, however it needs to be remembered that the pharmaceutical industry is a business in order to make a profit for its shareholders, and consequently only rich nations can afford access to the most modern treatments available.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Watts, Paul
- Subjects: Drug development , Pharmacology , f-sa
- Language: English
- Type: text , Lectures
- Identifier: , vital:29426
- Description: Over the last few decades organic chemists have developed highly sophisticated chemical reactions to prepare very complex molecules. The pharmaceutical industry uses the methodology that academics develop within research programmes to manufacture drugs to treat a plethora of medical conditions. When unwell, all citizens expect treatment, however it needs to be remembered that the pharmaceutical industry is a business in order to make a profit for its shareholders, and consequently only rich nations can afford access to the most modern treatments available.
- Full Text: