(a) Dendera jikwa; (b) Murombo
- Authors: Raimon Jeketi (Performer) , Composer not specified
- Subjects: Two tunes , Indigenous folk music , Chizambi friction bow , Self delectative , Fort Victoria (Masvingo) , Victoria Province (Masvingo Province) , Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15342 , MOA26-05 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017647 , MOA26
- Description: English translation of titles: (a) 'The nest of the hammerkop'; (b) 'The poor man' , Two tunes (separately titled) of self delectation on the chizambi friction bow by Raimon Jeketi , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Group of Karanga men and women (Performer) , Composer not specified
- Subjects: Indigenous Music , Three dumba drums , Clapping , Nyeni flute , Leg rattles , Victoria Province (Masvingo Province) , Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15268 , MOA19-14 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017427 , MOA19
- Description: Dance song for the Majukwa souls by a group of Karanga men and women, accompanied by clapping, leg rattles, dumba drums , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false
Nzio ya gudo achienda kumunda kudya
- Authors: Runesu Gumbo (Performer) , Runesu Gumbo (Composer)
- Subjects: Humorous song , Indigenous folk music , Karimba mbira , Fort Victoria (Masvingo) , Victoria Province (Masvingo Province) , Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15346 , MOA26-09 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017651 , MOA26
- Description: English translation of title: 'The song of the baboon who went into the fields to eat' , Humorous song by Runesu Gumbo, accompanied by karimba mbira , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false
Wana wa Pfuma chena
- Authors: Chief Takawarasha and a group of Karanga men (Performer) , Composer not specified , Composer unknown
- Subjects: Folk music , Old fighting song , Two drums , Historical , Takawasasha , Victoria Province (Masvingo Province) , Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15267 , MOA19-13 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017426 , MOA19
- Description: English Translation of title: 'England is the lion that bites the most' , An historic fighting song by Chief Takawarasha and a group of Karanga men, accompanied by two drums , This recording is held at the International Library of African Music. For further information contact ilamlibrary@ru.ac.za , This recording was digitised by the International Library of African Music , Original format: 15ips reel , Equipment used in digitisation: Studer B 67 Tape Recorder; Nagra III , Software: Sound Forge V.6 , Sample rate: 44100Hz 16Bit Stereo
- Full Text: false