Observation and processing of 2.3 GHz radio astronomy survey data
- Authors: Jonas, Justin Leonard
- Date: 1983 , 2013-04-15
- Subjects: Radio astronomy , Southern sky (Astronomy)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5505 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007280 , Radio astronomy , Southern sky (Astronomy)
- Description: The results of the second part of the Rhodes University Southern Sky Survey at 2.3GHz are presented. The area surveyed extends from 12hOO to 22hOO right ascension between declinations -63º and -24º. The observation technique and data reduction processes are analyzed. Digital data processing techniques used to enhance and display the data are dicussed. The results show that the Galactic emission extends as far as 40º latitude. Filamentary and loop-like structures are found superimposed on this general emission. Many of these features are unidentified as yet. A large region of emission is found to coincide with the Sco-Cen stellar association. A lower limit for the ionizing flux from the stars in the association is derived. All of the non-confused extragalactic sources with flux densities greater than O.5Jy are listed. The flux densities of these sources have been measured and any possible extended features are noted. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.53 Paper Capture Plug-in
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- Date Issued: 1983
A 22 GHz radio telescope
- Authors: Mutch, Laurence Ian
- Date: 1976
- Subjects: Radio telescopes , Paraboloid , Radio astronomy
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5532 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1012919
- Description: This thesis reports on the design, construction, testing and operation of the spectral line and continuum receivers built for the 22 GHz Radio Telescope. First results from 'the telescope were obtained and have been analysed to give an estimate of system efficiency. Tests have been performed on the front end and in particular on the 22 GHz mixer in order to determine the minimum detectable temperature. The Sun, Moon and major planets are sources suitable for antenna alignment and consequently a literature survey of emission at 22 GHz from elements of the Solar system has been made.
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- Date Issued: 1976
Theoretical aspects of the generation of radio noise by the planet Jupiter
- Authors: Deift, Percy A
- Date: 1972
- Subjects: Jupiter (Planet) , Radio astronomy , Radio noise
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5516 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1011051 , Jupiter (Planet) , Radio astronomy , Radio noise
- Description: Decameter radiation was first observed from Jupiter by Burke and Franklin (JGR 60, 213, 1955). In 1964 Bigg (Nature, 203, 1008, (1964)) found that 1o exerted a profound effect on the radiation. The majority of the early theories to explain the origin of the decameter emissions, attributed the radiation to an emission process occurring at or near the electron gyrofrequency or the plasma frequency. Intro., p. 1. The majority of the early theories to explain the origin of the decameter emissions, attributed the radiation to an emission process occurring at or near the electron gyrofrequency or the plasma frequency (for a review see eg. Warwick, Space Sci. Rev. &" 841 (1967)). More recent work centred around the question of how 10 modulates the emission (see the article of Carr and Gulkis (Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics Vol 8 (1970)) for a detailed review).
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- Date Issued: 1972
An investigation into the decametric radio emission by the planet Jupiter
- Authors: Gruber, Georg M
- Date: 1967
- Subjects: Jupiter (Planet) , Radio astronomy , Radio sources (Astronomy)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5545 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1013410
- Description: From introduction: Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Its distance from the Sun is five times that of the Earth and its mass is nearly two and a half times that of all the other planets added together. Jupiter turns about its own axis rather rapidly, once in just under ten hours, and it completes one revolution about the Sun in just under twelve years. Thus Earth has to pass almost directly between the Sun and Jupiter once every thirteen months. When this happens Jupiter is said to be in "opposition", as its position is then opposite to that of the Sun, when viewed from Earth. Around this time the planet will be most favourably placed for observations, as it is at its closest to Earth and up in the sky for a large part of the night. During the day observations on radio frequencies are more difficult, as the Sun is a source of great interference. Besides being an emitter of thermal electromagnetic radiation, as one would expect, Jupiter also emits two kinds of non-thermal radiation, one in the decimetre wavelength range and the other in the decametre wavelength range. A large number of scientists have worked on the problems of decimetre and decametre radiation. This thesis deals with some aspects of decametre radiation.
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- Date Issued: 1967
An investigation of the radio emission by the planet Jupiter on 18 Mc/s & 22 Mc/s
- Authors: Gruber, Georg Maria
- Date: 1963
- Subjects: Radio astronomy , Jupiter (Planet) -- Observations , Radio sources (Astronomy)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5524 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1012113 , Radio astronomy , Jupiter (Planet) -- Observations , Radio sources (Astronomy)
- Description: This thesis describes the investigation carried out of the radio noise emitted by the planet Jupiter on 18 Mc/s and 22 Mc/s. Chapter I gives a brief introduction and outlines radioastronomical as well as astronomical ideas concerning Jupiter. A detailed survey of the research done to date including some of the hypotheses formulated by previous workers is presented in Chapter II . Chapter III deals with the apparatus used in this research. Two similar sets of apparatus were used. The aerials were folded dipoles. The signals were fed to the receiver, an R 206 , via a 300 ohm impedance line. To increase the gain an extra I -F. stage was included. This gave a gain of better than a 120 dB. To match the signals into the recorder a cathode follower was used. The operating procedure appears in the fourth chapter. The results obtained are discussed and tabulated at the end of the chapter. They agree with the findings made by previous workers, within the experimental limit. Histograms of the occurrence probability versus the revised System III coordinates are presented for each frequency and compared to previous ones. The final chapter contains the author ' s interpretation of the observed effects. A model based on a radiation analogous to the Cerenkov effect is found to be not inconsistent with the available data . Ending the chapter suggestions for further research are made.
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- Date Issued: 1963
An investigation of the profiles of bursts of solar radio noise
- Authors: Wild, Peter Anthony Thornton
- Date: 1960
- Subjects: Solar radio emission , Radio noise , Solar noise storms , Radio astronomy
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5551 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1013504
- Description: [Summary] Chapter I . The general characteristics of solar radiation at metre wavelengths are described, with reference to data published in the literature. A brief description of some aspects of solar physics relevant to the study of solar noise is given, and the literature relating to the correlation of radio effects with solar disturbances is reviewed. Chapter II. A concise description of the apparatus constructed for the continuous recording of the flux density of solar radio noise at a frequency of 300 Mc/s is given, with some mention of difficulties experienced, and how these were overcome. Full circuit diagrams of electronic apparatus, and illustrative photographs, are supplied. Chapter III. The development of theories of the origin and propagation of solar noise radiation is historically reviewed and the success of each theory in explaining or predicting observed phenomena, is assessed. A working model is chosen from among these theories, and reasons for its adoption are given. Chapter IV. Observations made by the author of solar radiation at a frequency of 300 Mc/s are described, together with a description of the objects and methods, of analysis of the records. Chapter V. Phenomena observed by the author are compared with those observed by other workers. It is concluded that storm bursts are caused by transients similar to those producing Type II and Type ITI bursts, and a model for the production of storm bursts is tentatively suggested. Chapter VI. Suggestions for further research, including suggestions for methods of testing the author's conclusions, are made.
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- Date Issued: 1960